Hysy ArtMask Studio

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©2014 leon_kara

story original by Leon Kara

I do not own the characters in Tokyo Ghoul.
Uta. Touka Kirishima. etc.

Story are not to be republished without author's permission nor to be used or created in anyway.

This is a part fanfic involving Uta. If you have any thoughts please let me know in comment section. Please vote and comment to let me know if I have left out anything or made any mistakes.

Since I just finished high school, I thought, heyy why not?? So here's a little something for everybody, even those who did not watch Tokyo Ghoul.
Read and enjoy XD

to all Uta fans out there

The glass door of the dark studio jingled softly as I pushed it open and step inside the dimly lit room. I stepped inside past rows of mask in weird shapes and size as I try not to grimace. Those scary features on the mask were making me uncomfortable. Maybe I should try somewhere else, but my friend had recommended this one specifically. I thought I should check it out just in case her choice were worth it.

I glanced at a mask displayed to my right as I make my way towards the back of the shop.

The mask seems frightening even in the dim light of the shop. It was a black half-face mask with Frankeinstein-like bolts meant at the neck. But what captured my attention was the absolutely scary toothy grin with red gums bared from an unzipped mouth. It looked like an asylum monster just being freed and grinning insanely. Yet it was so real I wondered if the teeth were really protruding out of the mask.

I reached out my fingers to stroke the mask and feel it's scary teeth as I heard a voice behind me.

"I'm sorry, miss. You can't have that. It's taken."

I jumped out of my skin at that soft whisper and whipped around. Standing there, ever frightening himself, was the owner of the studio. The first thought that crossed my mind was scary. Run away. NOW!

He was tall and deathly pale with weird tattoos all over his torso and even his neck. My my, you would think this man is running a tattoo parlour or something. He was so heavily tattooed that I was totally absorbed in their mysterious design.

"Ah... Ahem" he cleared his throat. Startled, I whipped my head up and realised I have been goggling on his body for a fair few minutes. But he did have nice abs. I blushed and looked at him. Wow. This man is unbelievable. He is pierced at the side of his face and also his lips. I cringed at the thought of his poor pierced face. Surely all that piercing hurt? And what is the matter with his eye? I know contacts are all the fad now... But seriously, black eye and red pupils? Downright scary.

"My name is Uta. May I help you?"

His voice sounded like a soft caress to my ears. "I... Uhhh... I..." Damn. What did I came here for again?? The sight of him heavily tattooed and pierced threw me off my feet.

"To make a mask, I assume?" Oh, yes. Mask. Stupid me, of course a mask. I am being surrounded by masks!

"Yes, yes. A mask" I bobbed my head vigorously. "I see..." The corner of his lips turned up slightly as he turned his back towards me.

"My friend Touka ask me to check out here when I say I need a mask" I muttered, desperate to make a small talk. Stopping mid sentence and wandering off to La La Land in my head isn't helping my already abysmal reputation.

"Ah... I see." His scary eyes flicked to me and then away. "Would you prefer a half mask or a full mask?"


He leaned in close to me, making me very uncomfortable, and peered closely at my face. One corner of his lips lift up again as he said, "Perhaps a half mask?" His minty breath fanned my face as he straightened up and say" Lets not hide away that pretty eyes of yours."


I tried not to blush nor look away. He gestured me to sit at a barber stool as he started taking measurement of my head and face. I felt very self concious and also quite aware of his long pale fingers deftly weaving the measurement tape around my head.

As he worked, he started making small talks and questioning me on my favourite color, animals, and other mundane question. I didn't want to reveal much to a stranger, much less a scary one, so I just replied in short, offhand sentences.

"What's your favorite color?" said he as he wound the tape aroind my head.

"Ummm.... White.Gold. And..pink"

"Pink? Hmm. How... Feminine." he chuckled, leaving me blushing again. "What your favorite animal then?"

"Uh... I don't have, I mean, I don't really like animals... No. Wait. Cat." I suddenly said. "I like cat." Now that I have said it, I realised it's quite true. They are elegant and beautiful and all.

"But not black cat." I said again. "Black cat are scary. Especially midnight. Made me think of witches that cook children in a pot and eat them. Ewww "

The strange man behind me laughed and leaned forward, "Black cat is sexy." he whispered in my ears.

"Whaaaaaatttt??? No no no. Since when is black cat sexy? No! Animals are animals! Oh, wait. Panther is sexy. Or cheetah. And jaguar. And leopard. And-"

"Aren't those from the same family? "

"Oh, yes. No wonder they look kind of same..."

He took away the tape and motioned for me to stand up. He busied himself behind the counter silently while I waited for him to speak again.

"You may come back to collect your mask in a few days."

"Oh." I thought I can have it now." What does it look like then? My mask, I mean."

He laughed again before saying," You will know then. Be patient."

I huffed before I turned and started to walk back towards the door. I can't wait to get out of here.

" What's your name?" he called out.

"I'm sorry?" Did that guy just asked me my name?

"You look like a kitten, I said. No really, what's your name?"

"A... Akira."

He cocked his head toward his side and tested my name, "Akira" he said, rolling out my name on his tongue.

And then he smiled sheepishly.

"Nice meeting you, Akira-san"

That's it for the first chapter! Please let me know your thoughts comment and vote!

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