Ending of Part 1

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"To end or not to end, that is the question."

Hi guys, if you are underage, please don't read this chapter.

Uta came out of the shower with his wet hair tied up into a high ponytail, his pale and slender body glistening in the low ceiling light of my small bedroom. He was totally naked except for a white towel wrapped around his waist; I was entirely engrossed in his tattoed body. Which was a complete lie, because my eyes was glued to his abs.

He saw where I was looking and laughed while I blushed furiously.

"Sexy guys like me can't help but get attention." he said, climbing onto my bed gracefully. He sat on my pillows while I berated him for putting his butt where I put my face, and he moved to sit in the middle of my bed. I sit in front of him, facing him while wrapping my legs around his waist, stroking his neck gently. Uta acted the same as before when he never knew anything of my betrayal and treat me all the same. Part of me is overwhelmed by his love for me, so strong that he refused to stop loving me even when he knew all about S.H.A.D.O.W.

All he ever said was he understand, what with him killing my parents and being a ghoul must be hard for me. I did wondered if this all was too good to be true; can a man, or a ghoul for any matter, be that good to me?

So, in the end, the only thing that change in our relationship is the way I treat him. I no longer shy away from his kisses or display of affection, but I treasured each of them as if it was our last. We came so close to losing each other, we are not going to let our second chance squander away.

In return, he treats me... Well, actually, he treats me... Let's just say since then, he never hesitate to do things that he wanted, unless I really don't want to. Thought that didn't happen much.

"You shouldn't wear a ponytail with such wet hair you know." I murmured into his neck. I leaned back and stared mesmerised at his sideswept bangs and undercut, running my hand at his ponytail and yanked it hard while he gasped.

"Ah! You little-!" he grabbed me by my waist and started tickling me, making me breathless and completely at his mercy. Heavens know how ticklish I am, and he always manage to find my ticklish spot. Finally relenting to my pleas, he stopped and kissed me affectionately. I returned his kiss passionately, gently biting his lips and sucking his tongue while he moaned deeply from the back of his throat.

I was very curious about his hairstyle, so I tried to undo his ponytail but he backed away, saying, "No no no, I look ridiculous."

But I trapped him with my tights clamped around his waist and pulled his arms so that they were resting on my shoulders and lightly kissed him on his cheek. He was distracted while I kissed him lightly all over his face and I took the opportunity to tug away his hair tie.

He became crossed and swatted my hand away, but it was too late. I burst out laughing, "You are right," I agreed. "You do look ridiculous." He shook his head like a wet dog, spraying water all around from his wet hair and deftly slipped out of my bed before I could punch him. I wanted to get down from the bed and give him a good kick but I felt tired all of sudden. I sink back on my pillows and closed my eyes, trying to sleep, but unable to do so. A few minutes later I know why I was so weak. I was bloody hungry. Uta came into my room, fully dressed and I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep. The last thing I want is for him to know that I am in hunger.

Later that night, he nudged my very immobile shoulder. I ignored it and snored quietly. I am afraid if I talked aloud I will end up moaning in hunger.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

That does it. I rolled around and give a long and weak drowned out moan. He was off in a flash and back on my bed again before I could climb out of the bed and run away. I was so weak and starving that all of my movement were in  such a slow motion. I tried to crawl out of my bed with a snail pace that a tortoise would laugh at, but Uta reached for my leg and pulled my ankle towards him while I groaned.

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