Ghoul Restaurant II

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Akira's P.O.V

I coughed and tried to sit up, my head feeling extremely woozy, like when I was a child and used to spin around standing up until I fell down. I groaned slowly, straining to sit up. My head hurts and I shivered violently. My bed felt so hard and cold like I was sleeping on a piece of ice. What happened? I shivered and pull the blankets closer. But these grimy and musty blankets are not my own.

I turned around and saw Gourmet standing beside me and give a small start. But Gourmet was staring at something else and the expression of fury and shock on his face was the most comical thing yet. I followed the invisible arrow of his sight until my eyes rested on Uta-san.

That's when everything makes sense. All my memories came flooding back to me in a rush. Uta leaving me. And I thought Uta was in my house when it turns out to be Gourmet at my house. Oh God, was I kidnapped? What is Uta doing here then? My heart started to pound erraticaly and I felt sweat slicking down my forehead. That's when I realised I was stark naked and I give a loud gasp.

The colorful freak in front of me clapped slowly. He was wearing a orange suit and his purple hair is more vivid than ever in the spotlight which is nearly blinding me. I pulled up the blankets to cover my nakedness so that only my head was visible. But my eyes are trained on Uta-san.

A huge wave of emotions coursed through me and I felt tears stinging at my eyes. Uta turn ever so slightly and stared at me with a blank expression. Yet the intense glare in his eyes tells me otherwise. Did he came here to save me?

"I told you I was getting impatient, but you never listened." said Gourmet. "And now... Now you forced me to resort to such an extreme move where I have to capture your lovely girlfriend."

I breathed heavily, inhaling the smell of blood and rotting flesh which almost make me throw up. I stared from Uta to Gourmet back and forth like watching a tennis game while at the same time, seeing the large duffle bag beside Uta-san. My heart jumped to my throat as I sae what was inside.

It was a male body drenched in blood, stuffed cruelly into the bag. I thought I was about to faint.

"My lovely friend..." said Gourmet, placing his head on his forehead. "You really spell disaster for yourself. How dare you try to palm me off? Do you think that I can't recognise the lovely scent of Kaneki-kun even inside a bag?"

He clapped his hands again and laughed, slowly walking around so that he stood on the other side of me." Brilliant plans, really, had I not thought about checking what's inside of your bag."

Uta still remained silent.

"Well, well, well... Since you failed to bring me Kaneki, I shall not have Kaneki-kun to enjoy for my dinner tonight, and I had already laid out the most marvellous dinner set.. How about we enjoy your little girlfriend instead?"

I hope it's not too long since my last update(one week)!

Anyway, enjoy the story!

Elle: she/it(female)
Madammoiselle: miss (lady)


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