Let It Begin

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"Get up. Get up now."

A foot nudged my backside, but I just lay there like a lifeless doll. My tank top is drenched in sweat and my hair is messy and dirty; I am lying on the floor of the large gymnasium, hardly able to lift a finger. My energy level is totally drained.

Natsuke crouched down beside me and said," That was the lousiest defense I had ever seen, egghead."

If I wasn't running on a battery so critically low I would have loved to punch his face. But maybe that wasn't such a good idea, when his quinque is still in his hand.

When the school ended today, I frantically scanned for Uta's stupid sunglasses. But I could neither find the glasses nor it's owner, so I set home quite dejectedly. He had neglected to come for two days in a row, and I find myself missing him more than I thought. But his absence turn out to be quite a relief for I found my path blocked by a tall monstrosity. The last thing I want is for him to witness what happened next.

I 'Hmmph!' loudly, but Mr Natsuke still refused to move. Instead, he cast a wary glance around the school compound and gestured for me to get into his car.

"No." I said plainly, glaring up at him.

He made a show of looking around again before saying, "Fine. We could do this your way."

Two burly man in tuxedo promptly get out of the car. I stared at their muscled physique.

Six minutes later, I am in the backseat, wedged beside Natsuke speeding off to God-Knows-Where.

They had taken me to a large and unfriendly building which I should say is impressive, in the least. It was huge with all steel and glass and white concrete, with a large silver logo emblazoned at the reception. I peered curiously at it and make out a carving of a dove. And below is a large wording 'COMMISSION OF COUNTER GHOUL'.

Men in sombre black suit are hurying along and dissapearing into lifts; there are also a small number of women scattered at the huge reception.

Natsuke ushered me into a lift and we zoomed upwards, me getting more nervous in the second. A thousand question bubbled inside me, which I stubbornly refused to acknowledge.

There was a small 'ping' and a black haired man stepped in. He was tall like Mr. Natsuke, but he has a wide and muscular shoulder, in fact, he seems pretty well built like a fitness model. His melancholic and stern expression never wander and his serious gaze fell on me.

"Who is this little girl, First Rank Investigator Natsuke?"

Despite all my shortcomings I found myself quite indignant. Little girl?

"This is Akira Harako."

"Harako? Hmmm..." he looked down at me with a newfound curiousity and even a trace of respect.

Mr Natsuke gestured to me and said,  

"This is First Rank Investigator Amon."

I slowly nodded and cleared my throat.

"Um. ..hye."

The investigator Amon doesn't seemed impressed, somehow.

"Are you sure she can make it?" he asked Natsuke

"We had no other choice.",says Natsuke.

Excuse me, I felt like yelling. I'm here and I am dragged into this by no account of mine! I loudly cleared my throat once more and snarled," I think it's more like I don't have a choice."

Both men looked flushed and averted their eyes.

Natsuke lead me out of the lift while I was still fuming and bring me to a large training room that resembled a grand gymnasium.

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