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They explained for half an hour. And then they spent another half convincing me of this ridiculous story which I am in no way believing.

And so they started again, with photographic evidence which Shadow man no. 2 produced out from his bag.

'Look at this Miss Harako. Do you see this man in the front row? The one in middle." said the man, leaning forward and pointing at the picture. My throat constricted as I stare at the slight, middle aged men. His grim expression were not lost on me; yet I have seen it in a warm, loving smile far too many times. How could a girl forget the face of her beloved father?

'I know your father personally, Miss Harako... He was a great man.' he sighed and put away the picture, much to my displeasure. 'But he was in too much company of ghouls for his own good.'

I did not understand. I was on verge of asking this men politely (okay, maybe not so politely) out of my house, for seriously, ghouls? Are you kidding me?

Seeing my shocked expression, Shadow man 2 started to explain. He seems to be the mouthpiece here. 'Ghouls is a creature that is not human, though they appeared so. And to survive they need to feed on humans. 'Oh,' I said. All I could think of was vampires. Humans who eat humans.

I wrinkled my brow. 'Are you suggesting that those people are cannibals?' 'No. They are not humans.' he give another sigh. 'They have powers, ability that humans does not have, they are... creatures. Not aliens. And very dangerous.'

This only served to make me more confused. 'Why are you telling me this? What do you want? Wha...'

The first Shadow men talked for the first time. 'S.H.A.D.O.W is an acronym that stands for Spy. Harako's. Agent. Doves. Organisation. World.' He looked at me directly. 'Harako as in Kikichi Harako. Your father.' 

My breathing become quicker and I felt as if I want to faint. 

'I know this is a lot for you to take in. You were raised to be more ignorant about ghouls than any other person because your father shielded you from them most fiercely. He is determined to make the world ghoul-free for you.' he paused. 'Unfortunately, those plans backfired.'

The second Shadow men looked at me as if to read my mind. 'Hakaro is the one that founded S.H.A.D.O.W. He believes that cooperating with ghouls in order to exterminate ghouls is faster and more effective. Have them spy for us. Give us information. Take them out from the inside...'

I was breathless and yet curious, wanting to hear more yet fearing for what was to come, though I know what to expect.

'The ghouls got clever. A ghoul betrayed us. Offering them bodies of prisoners were not enough. They wanted to choose their meal... So a ghoul that have been working for us in secret decided to betray us. He leaked us to his group. By the time we killed him, it's too late. We have been discovered. And so that group of Ghouls decided do finish us one and for all.' he lean back on his chair, closed his eyes and sighed. 'Thirty seven of our men. Gone.'  

I cleared my throat.'And.. my father?'

'He was rumored killed in a car crash. But the truth is, he was killed along with you mother. In their car. There were no bodies, just...' the other shadow men silenced him with a look.

Confusion coursed through me. 'But why? Why do they do this?' Tears are starting to flow down my face and I did not stop them. Let them flow, they have right to be. Why did these creature do something like this?

'They are ghouls. They did not need a reason to kill. We are but their food, like pig waiting for slaughter. And those who killed without reason... are animals. Monsters.

'But why?'

'I just told you why!'

"Why did you tell me this. Why now? Years of living in ignorance. No news, no nothing. Yet you choose to tell me now. WHY?!'

'Because we need you help.'

I jumped up from the table and backed away.'No. You must be insane. I will not help you to .. to fight these creatures. No! After all that happe-'

'Look at me Miss Harako!' one of them got to their feet. ' Your father and mother died for this cause. A cause that is worthy to be fought! Think of all those families still happy together, that have not been ripped apart or killed completely by these ghouls! Every minute wasted is a family broke apart, a life wasted, by the hands of these murderer! Are you going to let your parents lives wasted in vain? Will you not continue their fight for a better life, a cause they gave their lives, for you?' 

I was against the wall, shaking from uncontrolled sob. I just learned one shocking truth after another, I just can't take it anymore. And then that stupid shadow men have to give me another kick in the gut. 'Your lives is in danger, Miss Harako. We can only help you if you help us. You are surrounded by ghouls everyday.'

"What- What do you mean?? How could-' with a grim look on his face, he started to say the name, and I wished for all my life I rather live in ignorance.

'Touka Kirishima. '

That little, broken but bright joy in my life, that was already so damaged, the pillars of strength that kept me going, was all but fake. Just lies? She was, is , a ghoul?

'And recently, we discovered a man who is in league with Clowns, the group that a ghoul belongst to whom betrayed us, was in contact with you: the very man that killed your parents.'

My sadness and grief returned at once. And it is bringing a new kind of heat. A surge of anger and a taste for revenge. I have nothing, nothing left, Let me destroy them and let them know emptiness like I did. 

'What do I have to do?'


It's me guys. So what do you think of this new chapter? I havent really decide whether should Akira accept this 'offer'... not exactly a big help for their relationship is it? Maybe she would change her mind in the morning ( girls are allowed to be inconsistent ) And I just found out that Uta is practically licking an eyeball most of the time in comic books (EEKKKSS!!) some feedback on the story would be appreciated because this is my first time writing a story *ehem*

Anyway, wishing all of you HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 

feeling hyper

Triple thanks for anybody that read this story~ hope you like it. Thanks for all votes and comments, it meant so much to me! luv ya =w=

bye bye 2014!!!!

hI 2015!!! xoxoxoxo

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