Jawdropper, Jawbreaker

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The first thing I saw when I wheeled around was Mr.Natsuke's face. He was sweating heavily, his hair totally messed up and he was panting as if he run around the whole of Tokyo. Did he run all the way here, too?

"Akira!" he shouted, rushing towards me, his red face a mask of worry.

My first reaction should be thanking all my lucky stars that he was here to save me from being Gourmet's substitute dinner.

But my only reaction was oh no, please, Uta-san is here.

It was almost like all my worst nightmares jumbled up together in a mess, except those are way better than this.

"My my my, who dares to interrupt my dinner?" said Gourmet from behind me.

"Chikushõ, it's the lovey dovey doves.", he sighed in an amused manner.

I felt a pair of large hand grabbing me forcefully from behind and saw that it was Hayato-san trying to get me to safety. Natsuke stepped in front of me, his quinque held high and ready to attack, but I cried out and grabbed his sleeve, not letting go.

He stared down at me in shock, his eyes taking in my pleading expression.

"Don't... Don't kill the other one... Please." I whispered.

Out of the corner of my eye, Uta picked himself up from the floor, staggering slighty. He seems to be losing his strength. I remembered vaguely that Uta once said to me human is a food for ghouls. Without it, they will lose their energy and strength, or possibly die, just like from malnutrition.

Has Uta been starving all this time?

Gourmet sensed his movement and kicked him in a blindingly fast motion, sending Uta flying to a far end of the wall along with my screams. The impact of his body with the wall made a sickening thud and he slid down to the floor in a crumpled heap.

"Fuzakeru na, I am so close to killing you already. Really, what got to you today, my dear Uta?" asked Gourmet, staring down at his limp body. "Is it tenderness stemmed from your little girlfriend?"

I stared at him lying on the floor, my flowing tears blinding my sight. I can't bear him being so weak and bullied by others. He was my protector, my strong and unbeatable savior.

Anger flared up in me, and I felt my newfound reckless bravery surging inside me, partly brought on by Uta's helplessness. I shook off Hayato-san's grip and faced Gourmet.

"What do you want? "I shouted at him, glaring hatefully into his blood red eyes. I knew I was calling my own death, but I simply can't stand aside and see my Uta-san weak and defenseless. "What has he ever done to you?" I screamed at him, my fist rolled up tightly while tears rolled down my face.

"Akira..." ,Natsuke cautioned me, but I was beyond hearing him. I wanted to destroy the sick man in front of me for what he done to Uta.

"Hmmmm.... Why? " said Gourmet jokingly. "How about... I helped him with something big and he was indebted to me? Like... I helped Clowns to bring down a very annoying group of, what was that? Ah, yes, Shadows, by doing bits of this and blowing their second-cheif-in-command apart and now he owes me my lovely... KANEKI-KUN!" With this, he flung both of his arms skyward as in a prayer, while Uta take the opportunity to flung himself at Gourmet, landing a punch at his face. The cracking sound meant that Gourmet's jaw was neatly broken. I jumped in front of Natsuke and charged blindly at Gourmet, but Uta pushed me back and I fell to my backside.

"Don't be stupid." he said.

How could a man, or a ghoul, stay so calm in a situation like this? But maybe he wasn't really so calm and laidback. Maybe he was hiding his real expression, bottling up inside him, like I did when I shut off my emotions.

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