Ghoul Restaurant

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Two uniformed servant on the either side of the door pulled the heavy door open and bowed low to Uta simultaneously.

The huge chandelier that hung high on the ceiling cast a glittering light all around the elegant lounge.

Uta walked into the sophisicated threshold and one of the servant stepped forward, arms stretched and ready to take his sweater off.

Uta turned his head ever so slightly to the servant and look at him silently. It must have been one hell of a look, for the servant stuttered an apology and bowed low once more before quickly retreating into the shadows.

The other servant led him to a small door on one side of the vast room, holding the door open for him while saying"Please be careful of your steps."

Uta descended the dark steps slowly, the smell of blood lingering around him, and upon reaching the last landing, he stopped still. He could smell her. The smell of her filled his nostrils along with the smell of countless other poor souls brought here to be fed to ghouls that think of themselves as a diner of fine ghoul cuisine. But he couldn't see anything as it was dark as night without a single light in the vicinity, yet he could alnost hear the breathing of the girl he came to love so much.

" friend. I was afraid you wouldn't come," said a voice in the dark.

"Where is she?" asked Uta quietly.

"Who?" Tsukiyama asked. "Oh, elle. You meant madammoiselle."

He threw back his head and laughed jovially.

"What makes you think I have her?"

Uta did not even bothered to reply.

"Ah, well..." said Tsukiyama with a flick of his hand. "Since you already spoil my surprise, I shall just get straight to the point, shall I. Where is Kaneki-kun?"

Uta dropped the large travel bag on the floor where it landed with a resounding thump; a sound made when flesh and bones hit the solid concrete floor.

"Here is your Kaneki-kun." he said, while Tsukiyama's eyes lit up like a child getting a Christmas present he actually wants."But first, let's exchange."

"Hmmmm..." Tsukiyama made a show of consideration by scratching his chin thoughtfully before asking, "How do I know you will be keeping your word?"

Uta came close too sneering."Because I don't want Kaneki."

"Very well, then."

Tsukiyama was moving forward to collect the bag, but Uta stepped in front of the bag, saying,"First, the girl."

Tsukiyama laughed in glee. He flicked his hand upwards dramatically and snapped his fingers, and a spotlight shone on the middle of the huge arena. Placed in the center of the spotlight was a large rectangular stone slab used for butchering humans and the occasional ghouls. Lying on the stone was Akira, totally naked except for a large cloth draped over her body.

Blood started to boil in Uta as he stared at her, so vulnerable and completely powerless in the hands of Tsukiyama. His mind raced ahead and thought of a thousand things that crossed his mind when he pictured Tsukiyama undressing her. His ugly, filthy hands touching her soft and silken skin that was so warm to touch...

"Give her to me.", said Uta. "And I'll give you what you want."

"Si, si." smiled Tsukiyama. "I always knew there was something going on between you and her, and I did guess right. I am such a genius sometimes. It was as if I was burdened with my intelligence. A girl which you are willing to sacrifice everything for~"

Tsukiyama turned around and walked towards unconscious Akira. Just as he was about to lift her up, however, he stopped and turned around.

"Mmm- Why don't you open that magnificent bag of yours, my friend?"

"What's the point?" said Uta calmly.

But Tsukiyama's eye narrowed in suspicion, still waiting for Uta to open the bag.

Sighing, Uta tug and slide the zipper open with his feet.

Tsukiyama's eyes went wide in suspense and felt his mouth started to water while at the same time, the girl behind him stirred and opened her eyes.

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