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Sorry for the late update.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Dawn of a new beginning! Fresh start!

If the dark interior of the studio is not cold enough, it certainly is now. The coldness that radiated off Uta is like the chilling death.

He turned to me and said," That is all, miss. You may leave now."


That was abrupt. I slid off the stool only to find my path blocked by the Purple Hair guy.

"Un petit instant, madamoiselle, I believe I have not introduced myself yet. My name is Tsukiyama Shuu." He gestured toward himself in a dramatic fluorish. And then he turned to me and give the most dazzling smile I've ever seen. "What is your name, ma chérie?"

Somehow, every instinct in my body is sending warning bells. I am definitely not giving this man my name. It is one of the advice my late parents always emphasised on. Not that they gave alot, seeing that they are not alive for long.

"Um... Uh... My, uh, -" But I did not need to think of further excuse, for Uta came to my rescue.

"What do you want? I told you not to come during business hours." This is the first time I heard him in such a stentorian voice.

"Ah... You know I never meant to be such a bother."

He gave another one of his sunny smile which Uta returned with a customary blank expression. This man would look perfect playing a part of a rich host in a manor.

"Some. . trouble has arisen and I am afraid we have to speed things up a little. What do you say, my friend?"

I did not wish to eavesdrop, so I walk out of the studio and head towards home, thinking as usual, about how lonely I am; the brave face that I put for the world. The sky began to darken and rain is descending to Earth. I laughed at my luck and broke towards a run. For some reason, thinking of Touka did not bring much comfort.

I went up to my small one bedroom apartment. As I turned the key in the lock, I saw a dark silhuoette from the coner of my eyes. I spun sharply and saw a man in a dark overalls and a pair of dark tinted glasses. His hair is dripping from the rain. He saw me staring at him and quickly turned away, dissapearing through the stairs at a corner. I felt sure that I had seen the same man lately, trailing behind me as I returned from school, but never when Touka is with me. I went quickly inside and slammed the door.

******************* (n__n)

School seemed even more boring than usual. Holidays is drawing near and everyone is busy making plans with their family or friend. Sounds interesting. Maybe I should just dissapear through the wall. Touka returned from restroom and I immediately brightened. She seemed stressed lately, with dark circles under her eyes. She is looking like a panda-vampire hybrid. I smiled brightly at her and hand out a parcel. "This is for you. You seemed like a half dead panda lately," I laughed."So I made some soup for you!"

Her eyes widen in shock and paled momentarily. Is that fear in her eyes?

But then she quickly recovered and smiled.

"That's great! Thank you."

My spirits lowered even further with her lack of enthusiasm. Maybe my cooking was bad.

Oh well.

Touka dissapeared when the bell rings for the end of final lesson, like she did nowadays. I slowly went back home. I glimpsed a dark shadow in front and my heart raced. Could this be the man that keeps shadowing me? My curiousity prickled and I went up determinedly up to him. But this man seemed slighter and taller. A split second later, I knew exactly who this man is.

Not again.

"What on Earth are you doing here??"

He smiled. "Hello. Nice to meet you, too."

I am in no mood for games. I simply walked away while he followed me.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. Duh. You need to start making brain cells instead of mask."

He smiled at that one.

"You living alone?"

"Uhhh... No. "

"Who are you living with?"


"Akira?" he stopped me. "Are you alright?"

Of course I am, idiot. I am fine before he questioned me!

"I'm sorry about your parents." I was startled. How could he possibly...?

"Touka told me," he said, reading my mind.

"It's fine. It's a long time ago, anyway."

He was quiet for the rest of our journey back home. I still wasn't used to his sunglasses. Now it's my turn to ask question.

"Umm. .. May I ask you a question?"

Dang. I shouldn't be so polite to this creep. But maybe he is sensitive about his eyes. You can never be sure with creeps.

"What happened to your eye? Is it some sort of infection?"

He laughed and say"Why? Do you think it is an infection?"

"No. I. .. Googled on eyes infection and there are none like yours..."

I supressed a shudder. All that images on eye infection is making me ill. God, those eyes.

"Did you Googled about it just because of me?"

What?? What what what.

"No! Of course I din't"

We stand in front of my front door. He faced me smirked.

"You. Are. Unbelievably. Stupid."

With that, he turned and leave.

Seething with anger, I stormed inside my house, noting the absence of Shadow Man.

Bath is soothing and my most favorite thing in the world. I rinsed away all my worries and sighed. I am done and need to step out of shower soon. Still deep in thought, I towelled my hair and make a hasty lunch, bread and a tomato. Life is hard if you are an orphan. I used to live in an orphanage before running away. Somehow, they always found me. By the time I was old enough to stand on my two feet, word got around that I was not just an orphan, but a bad orphan. But I don't mind. The less friend I have, the better. Girls and all their chit chat bores me. An introvert doesn't fit in, and in a queer way, I desired the loneliness.

A sharp knock on my door jerked me out of my trance.

I hurried to open the door and found the Shadow Man. I immeadiately slammed the door shut, but his boots is wedged between the door.

That's when I realised there is two of them.

"Miss Akira Harako." he held up a badge. We are from S.H.A.D.O.W"

The man looked at me with utmost seriousness. "Can you please stop crushing my foot?".

The Pink Eyeball ( Uta Tokyo Ghoul )Where stories live. Discover now