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    He really wanted his mouth to stop blurting weird immature things. "Maybe you guys could work it out"???
But maybe that was true. He had been part of the reason that.. that they weren't together still.. or already.. Or maybe his thoughts were being immature again.

    Tonight. He was going to leave tonight.

"I have everything packed and planned mostly, don't worry guys." he said, he tried to smile, but it kind of failed.
    "Tonight.." Fitz said. He looked like he was trying to remember something.
Emotions rippled through the air.
"So.." Sophie leaned toward Keefe a little. He could feel anxiousness and nervousness flowing around them now. And a sort of a warmth.
"About the letters.." she said.
He reached in his pocket to get the letters. "Here,"
She put them down and looked at it carefully.
"Where did you find these?"
"Dex made them some time ago, so I got some from him." he said.
"They look really cool," she smiled.
"Yeah, I guess I'll show you them later," he told her.
Fitz and Biana were ordering some food.
"Hold on Biana isn't that a little too much-" Fitz said.
"No it's fine I'm hungry." she said stubbornly. "Because you didn't help me carry things earlier,"
"Why do you act like you're still 12??" Fitz grumbled.
They all laughed.
Their pile of food came, and they all tried some of it.
"Im full." Biana took one last bite of a pastry.
"Seriously? We still have like 5 more plates coming."
"When did you order that much?" Sophie giggled. "Were you seriously planning to eat that much food you guys,"
"I'll take some," Keefe told them. "So I won't be hungry when I go,"
He didn't mean to darken the mood, but he was hungry.
"It's fine, here, have this." Fitz said.
There was a small awkward silence, and then Sophie and Keefe both grabbed pastries.
"That's mine!" she moved it closer to her.
"No, this one's mine!" he argued, moving it toward him. She laughed.
"Fine, you stupid. I'll take this one."
"You started it." he said.
Biana snorted. "You guys are so silly."
"Why are we all so immature," Fitz said, sighing loudly. He smiled mischievously. "Everyone can hear our conversations, I bet."
"Why are you turning red again, Sophie, you cute little thing."
"Shut it." she said, embarrassed.
They talked for some time after that, trying not to think about what was going to happen ahead, laughing and teasing each other like they had before.
A waiter came to their table.
"Hey.." the waiter said. "We have more customers coming, so you guys probably need to leave in a few minutes."
"Alright, thanks." Keefe told the small guy.
They gave Keefe most of the food to take with him, and they all left the place.

    "So guys.. do you want to meet around there later?" Keefe asked them after they had walked around Atlantis for a while, remembering things from the past.
They all agreed to meet him at night, to say goodbye. Not permanently. He would come back. Sometime. He wasn't going to start regretting his decision now.

later, night.

He could feel the emotions in the air, it was sad, anxious, but there was a little bit of a happy feeling, just because they had been able to talk like they had before again. He really had been starting to not want to do this, but he knew he needed to. Just for a little at least.
"Thank you, guys." he told them. They all fell into a group hug, something rare. It filled him up with happiness, and a sad feeling too. He also was hit with emotions from everyone else.
They were on a hill, Keefe had all of his things, and they just sat there for a while. Biana, Fitz, Sophie and him. They gazed at the stars, and talked for just a little longer.
Fitz stood up. "I think Biana and I should go now, we're going to get in trouble." he looked at Keefe and Sophie. "So.. see you soon, I guess." They all stood up, and hugged one more time.
    "Don't do anything dangerous, and promise you'll come back soon." Biana said as she hugged him tightly.
    "I'll come back soon." he said, to everyone.
They stood there, stalling, not wanting to go, but eventually they said goodbye and went down.
Sophie was still there, and she sat down. He was hit with a stab of aching, and he sat next to her. They were so close, he could hear her breathing. She sighed a little.
    "Keefe," she said. There were tears in her eyes. She looked up at him, and smiled. It was a sad smile. She started to laugh softly.
Confused, he said "Why are you laughing? I haven't even said anything." he laughed with her.
"Be ready to get slapped when you get back," she said. She looked away, tears were filling her eyes. "Sorry." she said. She put her arms around him, warmth filling the space between them. They sat there for a long time, until the sky became darker and purple. He showed her how the letters worked, and she told him some things about the Forbidden Cities. Then he had to go. She was still slightly holding on to his hand as he went into the light.

I literally haven't updated in like, years, sorry. Well, I hope you liked this chapter
I think this is the longest one yet :D
this time I will not forget to update for like 500 months I will update as soon as possible
byee! :)

xx -@wheres_dex

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