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-this is in sophie's pov btw


sophie felt a small smile creep onto her face at the sound of a familiar crispy accented voice. it had been soo long since she had last heard his voice.


 "soo..what's been going on with you?" he asked.

"nothing much," she answered- a little too quickly.

there was silence on the other side, and sophie's heart started to race. she wondered why this conversation felt so awkward- and let out a quiet sigh when fitz said "same here." but then he said, "biana convinced me to get my second matchlist."

and her palms started sweating again.

"you were on both lists, did i tell you that??"

despite how happy fitz sounded, sophie was far too nervous to say anything enthusiastic..but..since fitz was telling her about this, she might as well tell fitz about her list- she gathered all her confidence and said "Igotmyfirstmatc-" but she was cuttoff by fitz who said "oh.--sorry! got to go help biana with something-tell me later!"--

and he was gone. sophie was left with confusing thoughts- and she was slightly annoyed.and confused. and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on.

speaking of not hearing from him in a while, she hadn't heard from keefe lately either. last time she tried to hail him, he said "sorry!talk later-" aaand she didn't hear anything from him after that.

sooo this parts short and i actually wrote this a while ago,... like a pretty long while ago.. and im so sorry i havent updated this in forever.! school started and i got kinda busy (and i also became a lazy potato) but anyways ill try write more - (nobodys reading this anyways) okay bye!.. :D

also im going to start writing a story,.. not sure what its gonna be called yet but i will try to actually use grammar next time lol

Dear Sophie,   - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now