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this part is probably really cringy- idk

Even after all these years, he still thought about Sophie.

He knew that he wasn't the one for her. Fitz and Sophie were probably made for eachother. And she didn't feel anything like that toward Keefe. (or did she..?) Keefe was an empath. So he should have known if she did.

But still, even though he knew, every night his dreams drifted to her warm and soft beautiful brown eyes, her pretty smile, the soft touch of every time she held his hand.

Even if it was selfish of him, and he wanted to stop thinking about it, he wished he had a life like Fitz's. He got almost everything Keefe had ever wanted. It always sounded horrible, especially because sophie wasn't an object of some kind, she was a person, with feelings. But Keefe just wished he could make Sophie happy without getting in anyone's way.

for now he just tried to be the best friend he could to her. (and Fitz)

Plus, she was always happy in his dreams.

-ok so thanks for reading again this one is like super short and din't make a lot of sense either but anyway bye!

Dear Sophie,   - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now