Sophie and Keefe

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Sophie lay on her bed, her heart pounding - seriously?! why was she this anxious and nervous?!

After hailing Fitz earlier, she really didn't want to see her matchlist. She didn't know why.

Without thinking, she grabbed her imparter and hailed Keefe- wait what.

Before she could change her mind, Keefe had already answered.

He lay on his back (on his bed), his ice blue eyes were narrowed, but there was still a sparkle in them. His hair was disheveled and his blond hair fell in messy waves on his forehead. She noticed his long eyelashes, and then his soft looking lips.

He suddenly said "Oh!" and Sophie realized she had been staring at him.



Sophie's cheeks were red and she looked back up at Keefe. His face was flushed too.

Keefe quickly sat up and looked at Sophie. "Sorry-" he said. "I didn't know you were there."

"What? You answered your imparter..?" Sophie said, confused.

"Oh yeah.. umm I guess I accidentally answered."  Sophie wondered why he was staring at his imparter.

"So um." he said, and he ran his hand through his hair, an old nervous habit of his. Sophie had stopped pulling out her eyelashes a while ago.

"Sorry for the weird short calls,"  he said. Then he fidgeted with his hands. "I-" he paused, as if he was thinking of how to word what he was about to say. Then he finally burst out

"I'm going to the Forbidden Cities- and um.. don't hail me okay..?" He muttered something to himself and ran his hand through his hair again.

Sophie just sat there, confused. "What?" "Keefe-" she stumbled over her tongue. "Wh-what do you mean?"


He searched his mind for what to say. His mouth opened without permission and said "I'm going to the Forbidden Cities-" and then he really wished he hadn't added on the "and um... don't hail me okay..?" shut up Keefe. He told himself.

"Sorry." he told her, "I mean..." "I've been feeling kind of suffocated here y'know..?" "And so.. I'm kind of going to go somewhere else." "And. So I'm going to the Forbidden Cities."


"You can't go to the Forbidden Cities Keefe ..!" Words stumbled out of her mouth. "If you're going somewhere then at least stay in the Lost Cities .." "What if you get caught?!" "What happens if you get hurt?""What are you going to eat??" "How are you going to survive?!"

She didn't know what she was saying but she sat there looking down, only noticing the tears when she looked up after Keefe said quietly "I know I'm being selfish but I think that... never mind. I'll be okay. I'm sorry, .. Sophie. Don't cry."

She felt herself smile on the inside. he had said Sophie.

"Stop it Keefe. Your not being selfish and it's- fine if you go to the Forbidden Cities.. I trust you. I don't even know why I was crying I just-" She looked up and Keefe had a small smile on his face, and Sophie wished she could just reach over the screen and hug him, or squeeze his hand.  They looked at eachother for a while until Keefe cleared his throat.

"Instead of hailing me.." he said. "You can send me letters." the small smile had turned into a grin.

ok so this part was kind of weird- i wrote this at like 11 pm.. :0

i really need more sleep.

bye !

I'll try update soon I guess. .

this has been edited btw :D

Dear Sophie,   - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now