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you could say that this is a pretty short, but important chapter. in a way.

Finally, he could breathe.

     Well, he did feel less suffocated sitting on the hill with Sophie and Biana and Fitz earlier. Especially with Sophie by his side. His lungs seemed to be less clogged. But now, in a whole new world (song starts playing lol) he really felt for the first time in forever (the other disney princess song starts playing why do I keep making these references help) that he could breathe.

     He gulped down cool air, breath after breath making him feel lighter and lighter as if weights were being lifted out of him ever time he exhaled. The cool air quickly moving through his lungs as he stood looking down at a breathtaking view of what was a city (the irony hahaha) and a breeze making his hair and clothes feel lifted along with the quiet chatter and lively music down below was more than enough to make him grin. He forgot about all of his worries standing there for minutes, which started to feel like short hours. I could stand here just like this for hours, he thought to himself. But it would be even better with Sophie here... it was hard to think about her. 

     She came with emotions that were hard to bear. He wished she could be by his side, that she could always have her smile she had when she looked at him sometimes. He wished she could always be happy. He had always dreamed of being the one who made her laugh and smile and feel the best she ever felt. But he couldn't. He had hurt her and made her feel horrible, and she kept forgiving him and trying to understand. But she didn't understand. That smile, the smile he loved and would die any day to see again, it wasn't him who would be able to make it happen. Even if Fitz couldn't, even if she ever felt something toward him, he couldn't do it. She could smile for other things, things she did for herself, and her friends. It didn't even need to be him, or Fitz, or anyone else. And if he couldn't even be happy for himself, how would he be able to be there for her, make her laugh and smile, and care for her? He couldn't. He needed to get away for some time. He needed to do something for himself and become better like she had done for herself as years past. He regret what he had done and hadn't done. Now he just wished he could fix himself in time.

omg I haven't updated in so long even after saying I would.. sorry. Are people even reading? I wrote this today because I was feeling slightly inspired and was on wattpad and had no homework and I'm proud of this and myself.
go Keefe, lol :)

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