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sophie opened her eyes and a headache was pounding on her brain. she turned over on her bed, then lifted her head up, wondering why her pillow was wet. her pillow was damp from new tears. why was I crying?

that was the question that appeared in her head the whole day. it wasn't even a big deal, but it still frustrated and confused her. she had to have a reason for crying right?

that night, sophie fell into the same swirly dream she had the other night. and when she woke up, she knew. well, she knew, but she didn't understand. she had been crying from the last part of the dream. the part where she watched the boy and girl under the tree. sophie had been crying from the part where the boy whispered something to the girl. but she didn't know why.

before she had gone to bed, sophie had hailed mr.forkle and asked him if they could talk.he had told her to meet him at his office in foxfire.

sophie met mr.forkle in his foxfire office and shoving all of her other confusing thoughts aside,

she said "I'm going to go see the matchmakers again."


..ummm forkle? you there? hellllllooooooooooooo..?

mr.forkle nodded. "I chose to let you know who your biological father was." "so I will let you go to the matchmakers."

sophie cleared her throat and added, " I'll tell them to keep the information private for the moment."

"yes. and.." there was a beat of silence before he said "is that all you came to talk about?"

sophie then realized that she could of just told him by hailing him, but said "yeah. .. well I think..?"

"alright then. you can hail me if you need anything." he said, and started shuffling some papers.

sophie quietly slipped out of the room and walked pass all of the students who were passing through the halls.


the next day--

sophie tripped over herself again (for the fourth time). why did walking in heels have to be so hard??

she looked around and hoped no one saw that, though they probably noticed by the second time she stumbled over her feet. (and her way-too-long-and-way-too-frilly dress) she reminded herself why she was here (again). now that the neverseen was gone, and everything was more settled in the lost cities, sophie wanted to try again with fitz. now that she knew both her biological mother and father, she wanted to know who was on her list.


after juji and brisa questioned sophie about a few things, and sophie had to wait for approximately four very long minutes, (notice the italic) the results came up on juji and brisas' screens.

(i don't really know how the next part goes so-- skip foward in time)


Sophie was too nervous and anxious to look at her list the moment she got it. as soon as she got back to havenfield, before Edaline or Grady could explode with questions of who was on her list, she ran up to her room and put the list in one of her desk drawers.

she didn't to make Fitz wait any more than he already did, but suddenly Sophie felt a feeling of doubt. all of a sudden, she didn't care if Fitz was on her list or not.

"sorry for running off." she told Grady and Edaline when she came down.

Edaline shook her head. "did you look at your list yet?"

"no..not yet." "I was kind of nervous to open it."

"it's fine, honey. you can look at it when your ready."

grady looked like he was about to say something, but changed his mind and nodded.

sophie smiled at them gratefully, and told them she was going to her room.

sophie found her imparter on the ground, ringing. it was fitz.

-ok soo this chapter was kind of weird and I don't really know what to say so if you're reading this, then uh.. thanks!
The grammar in this keeps changing I apologize :')

Dear Sophie,   - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now