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They planned to meet in Atlantis the next afternoon at a small new cafe, so Keefe could show Sophie the special letters.

Sophie sat in her room - she had been doing that a lot these days- and was wondering what she would do. Then she realized that it had already past two hours since she last checked the time and got up in a hurry to get dressed into slightly nicer clothes.

(ok its 12 am so goodbye for now)

She got there a bit early, and was waiting outside of the place, admiring the flowers that looked so much like the ones in the forbidden cities. Sophie sat and thought about what Keefe would do in the forbidden cities. Then she wondered what would happen with everyone else, he couldn't pretend that he was sick every day. She was so lost in her thoughts that she never realized that someone was saying her name.

"Sophie?" She jumped and turned around, seeing two pairs of teal eyes.

"Fitz? Biana? What are you guys doing here?"

"Biana wanted me to go shopping with her," Fitz said.

"You don't have to sound so annoyed," Biana said, giving him a look.

"I don't sound annoyed!"

Sophie laughed at their childish conversation. (honestly idk how to write anymore)

"Soo what are you doing here?" Fitz asked Sophie, his teal eyes glittering.
"I'm going to meet Keefe soon," she told them.
"Woah, wait , Keefe??!" "I havent seen him in ages!" they both said in surprise.
"Is it okay if we come along?" Fitz asked.
"I guess so. He'll have to explain.. I'm not sure.. He'll be happy to see you though."
"You guys can just hang out alone if you want to you know,"
Sophie was sure Keefe would be okay with Fitz and Biana there. Well hopefully.
"Oh, uh , hey guys!"
What?! Since when was he here?
"Sorry I'm late, Foster," Keefe said.
She suddenly blushed at the way he called her that, and realized how she was holding her hands awkwardly at the ends of her tunic.
"Wow, I haven't seen you since forever!" Biana said, and hugged him.
"Dude, did you get taller?" Fitz jokingly said, and Keefe replied, "Thanks Uncle Fitzer."
"Hi, Keefe." Sophie said.
"You don't have to act so formal," Keefe said, while the playful mood disappeared. He looked at her. "So.. are Fitz and Biana going to join us?"
"If you'll let us, then of course we want to."
"Okay, we can ask for a two extra seats."
"Wow, you guys really planned this out," Fitz said, looking at the both of them.
"Yeah.. it's kind of important.."
They went inside and sat down at a table in the corner of the cafe. Keefe told Fitz and Biana, sort of awkwardly, about everything. They were both in shock.
"The Forbidden Cities?" Biana worriedly said.
     "How-" Fitz started.
"I know, it's another of those stupid ideas of mine," Keefe said, "I know it's selfish too," and then he looked at Sophie, who was looking down, and then at the rest of them. "But.. maybe.. you guys could.. work it out." He finally finished.
Sophie didn't understand. Did he mean her and Fitz? If so, then.. she wasn't really sure anymore. She didn't really feel like.. like- how she did before. She didn't get tingly when she saw his glittery teal eyes, and her heart didn't flutter when he smiled that absolutely movie star worthy smile of his. Maybe she didn't like him like that anymore. Maybe it was from after that time, when he yelled at her. Maybe...
Sophie hadn't realized that everyone was looking at her.
    "Oh, uh.. sorry. I was just thinking about it." She said, her face red. She hoped Fitz wasn't listening to her thoughts.
"Thinking about what?" someone asked, she wasn't sure who because of how dazed she felt.
    "Oh uhh.. you know.. Keefe." Then she realized what she had said and her face immediately turned red. "I mean-! Uh! You know! I meant like what Keefe would do in the forbidden cities!"
Biana burst out laughing. "Gosh, Sophie, you should see your face!"
She really thought her face couldn't get any redder.
She glanced over at the boys, Fitz was looking at her like he was trying to read her, and Keefe.. Keefe was smiling like he was trying not to. It was adorable, and she was thinking that in this embarrassing situation she was in at the moment.
Some little girl from a different table said "I know them!! Those cool people over there! They were the ones who helped save Mr. Edd from the fire!"
"Aww," Biana said dreamily after she stopped laughing. "Also, this food is good."
"Why do you have to bring so much attention to me Biana," Sophie said in a grumbly and embarrassed voice.
Fitz said "So.. back to the topic." "When are you going to leave?"
     A breeze from the window moved Keefe's hair so that his ice blue eyes could be seen clearly before he said, "Tonight."

Hi!! Thanks for reading!! I haven't been on wattpad for a while sorry about that! This chapter is longer than the others I think, and I hope I can update the next one soon :D Also Happy New Year!!

xx -@wheres_dex

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