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"Ah, (N/N)-chan~ Didn't know you'd actually come~," I teased at the red(idk color you want but im with red. no regrets alright) headed girl leaning on a corner.

She glared at me in reply and turned away. Her cursed scarf swaying as she took a step.

"C'mon~ Talk to mee~," I whined.

The end of her scarf tried to punch me but I let it hang there. She couldn't punch me after all.

"Geez, you keep on giving me the silent treatment ever since..."

"She just hates you. Now stop bothering her," Utahime said and sat down.

I sighed and sat down myself.

"So what did you want?" Utahime asked. "Huh? Why're you mad?" I turned at her.

"I'm not mad actually," she spat back. (N/N) leaned towards her ear and whispered something.

"Hey, what's that?" I ask. The two hiss at me and ended their little chit-chat.

"Anyways, there's someone working with either a curse user or curses at Jujutsu Tech," I said, slouching a little.

It seemed to gain the interest of (N/N) but I tried to ignore it. For Utahime, her eyes widened and turned at me.

"Impossible!" she said, "A curse user may be one thing, but working with curses?"

(N/N) tapped her foot twice behind her chair, signaling her to keep it down. She might know, so I'll ask her later.

"A lot of them in that level have been popping up lately," I continued, "They understand human speech, and they've formed a faction that's operating with purpose.

"They might think they're just working with a curse user, but..." I pause. "I'd like you to handle investigating those in Kyoto, Utahime. Also you, (N/N)."

She looked at (N/N) and back at me, "What would you do if one of us is the traitor?"

"(N/N) is really loyal despite being a banished sorcerer. So no. But you? No way! You're too weak, and you don't have the guts-" I raise two of my fingers at the time her cup of tea nearly hit me.

Making (N/N) snicker.

"Scary! Hysterics won't win men, you know," I waved.

"I! AM! THE SENIOR HERE!" Utahime yelled. She sighed and sat down.


"We're starting in a minute," I said at the mic I held in a hand. "Now let's hear a few words of a well-appreciated encouragement from Iori Utahime-sensei," I mocked.

She stuttered all the way to hell and finally ended.

"Time's up~"

"Hey! Gojo, you little..."

"Now, let the sister exchange event..." I continued, "begin!"

"Respect your seniors!" Utahime bellowed. (N/N) stood up and head out.


"Oi, where are you going?" I followed behind (N/N).

She halted and turned around. (N/N) adjusted her scarf and spoke for once. "Something's about to happen soon. I need to watch out, just in case. Or probably they've arrived."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just go back. If it's happened already, I'll call and meet you soon." (N/N) put her scarf back up and went back.

"Hey. Stop," I gripped her hand tightly, and she stopped in her steps.

"I don't care what you say but I am going," she swatted her hand away then dashed. Leaving me hopeless in where she had left me.

I went back and sat down, getting curious faces from all over.

"Did something happen?" Utahime asked.

"No. Nothing," I replied.


My phone beeped violently behind me and took it. It was a call coming from (N/N).

"(N/N)! It's about the veil isn't it?" She made a sound of reply and nearly sounded like "I'm already there. Hurry up. Can't hold the veil any longer."

"(N/N)'s holding the veil for us. Let's hurry!" I reminded the two behind me and sprinted towards the veil. The veil was now shut with (N/N) in her limit.

"You okay?" I said to (N/N). She nodded and looked at the veil.

"Well, now it's down I'll just have to break it," I stretched my hand towards the veil but it exploded a little. Making me step back. What is this odd feeling?

"Hey..." I turned at Utahime and noticed her hand inside the barrier. "Why are you being kept out while I'm able to enter?"

"Actually, I'm able to hold the veil from coming down since I can't get in," said (N/N). She put her hand on the veil and made short electrocution like a while ago.

I smiled, "I get it now. Utahime, Gramps, you go on ahead. This veil is a barrier that allows all others to go in and out in return for denying Gojo Satoru and (N/N) Zenin entry."

Utahime frowns and I continue. "They must have a skilled curse user. That, and they have a degree of intel in us. Go on, get moving," I waved at them to move now.

And they slowly did.

"Don't just order people like that," (N/N) grunted. "No worries," I said.


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