( 十 - 二 )

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"Ichimiya-Zenin (Y/N), you will now be banished from the jujutsu society. Your title as a special-grade sorcerer will be stripped away from you and become a normal curse user," one of the higher-ups stated.

"You forgot the last part on my conditions, by the way," I said.

He gritted his teeth and added, "You can still exorcise curses by your own free will. Accordingly, your actions will be watched from the two bracelets you'll be wearing from now on."

Discussion ended.

I dyed my hair red today since I knew I'll become a different person starting today.

(I forgot to mention that (Y/N) has black hair 😭😭)

A familiar white mop of hair rushed towards me in a midst of the big crowd.

He started panting violently and said, "Why...why didn't you tell me today?" I look at my new bracelet and looked at him.

"Would it matter, though?" I asked blankly.

"Of course, it does!" Gojo concludes.

"Because?" Before I could walk away, he took my hand and then opened his mouth. "Because I like you, okay? I don't want to lose you."

My eyes widened a bit. Why would he tell me now?

I only smiled at him.

((2017, somewhere in Russia))

My hiking boots tapped at the bloody, wooden floor. I watched a curse turn into nothing.

Two more first-grade charges at me, but were fully exorcised when they took a step closer.

My phone vibrated inside the pocket of my jacket. "Hello? It's Ichimiya," I told to the caller. "Haa...I finally contacted you," my old teacher, Masamaich-sensei, sighed.

"What's up?" I clicked my tongue.

"I know you're somewhere overseas, but I want to invite you to the Kyoto event. Do you want to come?"

I went silent for a second and smiled, "Sure, why not? I haven't set foot in Japan for the past nine years. Can you tell Sho-chan that I'll be there?"

"Okay, as long your coming," Masamichi ended the call.

It's been a while, Jujutsu Tech.


After leaving the plane, I went to my old apartment unit. It was the same as usual. I did ask the landlord I'll be coming back after a few years.

Cleaning became a hassle, even though the unit was incredibly small.

I took a break. I scrolled around my phone. My eyes widened and found Uraume's number I forgot about.

I pressed the name and our conversations came into sight.

I ended up typing out the words, "Hello, Uraume-san! It's been a while since we talked, huh? Hope you're doing fine :))"

I sighed, realizing that she won't notice since she must have wrecked her phone.

I stand up and picked up some of my belongings. It's time. It's time to go back. No hiding or backing away like the times they had contacted me to come over.

And there's Gojo that I have to deal with.

((Gojo on the other hand))

"Yo, Ieiri (I don't give a fuck of what he calls her aight). Why ya callin'?" I asked, watching Itadori watch movies for an entire day.

"I don't know how but, I heard (N/N)-chan's coming to the Kyoto Event-"

"She's going to what?" I whisper-yelled.

Why did she change her mind? I thought she wanted to stay away from the jujutsu society. But why is she allowing it?

"It's been like what? Eleven years!" I scratched my head frustratingly and faced the door.

"I know, I know. I am so~ confused! They managed to invite her! Although, I think she's not coming. Anyways, gotta go," then she ended the call.

I agree with Ieiri. There's no way she's coming to the Kyoto Event.

For now, I'll just sit and wait.


(A/N): USSR ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ((<--no offense to russians))  Anyways, I ended at Chapter 10 perfectly :D right now, I'm working on the official look of y/n. i lowkey published 3 chaps today.

time for exams (。_。)

edit: im trying to edit the timeline, i got the math wrong apparently. sorry for the inconvenience

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