( 二 )

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The white-haired guy and I became fast friends. I learned that his name was Gojo Satoru.

I walked around the bookstore and picked out my favorite mystery book. Once I exited with mg small bag of books, I find the monk girl, Uraume.

"Uraume-san!" I ran up to her and panted.

She looks up at me and smiles. "I didn't think to meet you around here, (Y/N)."

"No, I'm glad to see you. After fixing my apartment, I've already decided." I put the bag behind me. She glances at me curiously, waiting for a word.

"I want you to train me, please!" I put my hands together and pleaded.

She turns away and nods. "Really, you can?" I beamed. "Sure. I'll meet you by your apartment. Tomorrow can do? You're in the middle of summer, so I think it's fine."

"Tomorrow is fine! See you, Uraume-san!" I waved goodbye to her and went to my apartment building.

Whoa. I get to see Gojo again. And who's that guy? They stood beside a lamppost talking about something. I managed to capture the words 'missions' and 'curses'.

I closed the door behind me and sighed. Yes! I managed to miss Gojo for the first time-

"Yo, (N/N)-chan~ You think you can hide from me again~," I heard Gojo say on the other side of the door.

"It's creepy that I bump into you a lot lately!" I yelled and banged the door to shoo him.

"Oi, Satoru. Don't just pry into a stranger's unit," the guy I saw beside him said. "She's not a stranger, though," Gojo defended back.

"Really?" he said. "Hey, you! Do you know this asshole?"

"Yeah! And I hate it sometimes!" I replied.


I heard the guy scowl at him. I peeped my head at the door and saw the man clearly. His hair was tied in a bun, like a girl's, some of his hair falling down; dancing as the air pushed it past.

"Sorry 'bout that guy. By the way, he's Suguru Geto. I suggest you call him an asshat," Gojo said. "Anyways, we gotta go! I'm happy to see you today too!"

He waved at me and ran back to Geto.

That cheesy and carefree smile scares me...I put down my cardigan on a chair and slid into the sofa like a normal person. And here I mark this day a normal one again.


I ate my curry silently on the table. There were times where I wished my family were here sitting with me.

I let the TV on as I ate.

Tonight isn't as silent as yesterday. I wonder how will Uraume come here. I forgot to tell her where I live. Since I think she's a sorcerer, she might know it already. Like how she knew my name.

Ever since I met Gojo, I felt happy ever since. I smile. I'm glad I met him.

Somehow my worries and regrets have already flown somewhere else. I feel so light right now. When I was about to stand up, I felt a sudden presence behind me.

"Die. Die. Die!" the icky creature said in a very weird voice.

My leg instinctively kicked upwards. When I hit him, it was as if I stopped time. What the hell? Why does this feel so similar?

Then ice crystals formed around the curse. It cracked as I unconsciously release the curse.

I looked upwards and found Uraume glaring at the curse.

"What...? That was so cool!" I said. She looks at me in bewilderment. "What do you mean?" she said.

"When I kicked him, he like stopped in mid-air. Then you came in! I wonder how can I do that," I said in excitement.

Uraume stepped forward and put her hand on my forehead. As if she was reading my head. "Stay still," she ordered.

After a minute or two, she lets go and sat on the sofa. "At some point, you've inherited your mom's cursed technique," she explained.

Oh! So that's why it felt so familiar.

"And after checking your consciousness, I think I've become a few years younger. I think the cursed technique, Time, affected me as I did so."

I look at her, confused. "But you look the same."

"Actually, I'm not. I'm a thousand years older than you."


I. Was so~ confused. Her being a thousand years older than me? No way! That's kinda cool for the person.

"Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. Don't get haunted with curses, okay?" Uraume said.

I nod and she left my house.


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