These Nights

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I swear I'm not listening to the ParaNorman OST rn-

I would never

nope I'm a normal person listening to sad music while writing angst

I am not listening to Resolution by Jon Brion off the ParaNorman Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Anyways, time to project on Lee Jeno-


He felt so-


Jeno looked at the ceiling for a bit longer, the darkness of his bedroom allowing for little detail to show. It had been a year since school had gotten called out due to the pandemic and he was starting to feel more alone than ever. But there was one person he could always count on to call him during these nights. These nights where he felt like he could disappear right then and no one would care.

And despite it being almost 1 in the morning, that person still answered

     Hey Jaem
     can we call?

     Sure gimme a sex
     I mean you could give me a sex too if you really wanted to

Jeno smiled a bit at the text. This was all classic Jaemin fashion, and it never failed to make his mood brighten. A couple of minutes passed and he got the inevitable 'ready' text before he opened his contacts and called the youngers number. It only got to ring once before the other answered, a joyful little 'hello?' coming through the speaker softly.

And it was that easy for Jeno to feel at peace again. He let out a long sigh and smiled a bit, setting his phone to be on speaker as he placed it on his bedside table.

"Hey, Nana." Jeno closed his eyes softly as he heard the younger hum.

"You're getting in your head again aren't you?" Jaemin asked gently, his voice still so delicate, like a warm comforting embrace. 

"Yea..." He said simply, getting up from his bed with a huff to open his window. It was like a ritual- Jeno would call, they would greet each other, and then Jeno would open his window. He took in a deep breath of the fresh air, exhaling slowly as he sat in his desk chair. He reached over and grabbed his pillow and blanket off his bed before watching out the window at the moon, watching its soft glow flicker through the swaying trees that moved to a gentle tune carried on the breeze. 

"Penny for your thoughts baby?" Jaemin asked, his tone sweet. Jeno opened his laptop carefully, putting on his glasses and turning down the brightness. He hummed for a minute, opening YouTube and putting on a chillhop playlist to listen to before he answered.

"I'm so done with this quarantine shit." Jeno said deeply, laying his head down on the desk and moving Jaemin there as well.

"Ah Jeno, aren't we all." Jaemin said with a sigh. 

Jeno felt familiar tears pricking his vision as he thought about everything again. He didn't normally cry about things, especially not things that he couldn't control. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop the pandemic, he knew it wasn't his parents' fault, he knew that this quarantine shit was all for the best and that in the long run, it would be worth it, but that couldn't stop the fact that he had missed everything. He had missed a year of his friends' lives, doing remote learning through zoom calls while all his other friends got to go in person. He felt robbed, he was finally getting to the age where his parents would've let him go out and do shit, but instead, he was locked in his bedroom. He had fallen out of touch with most of his friends by now, all except Jaemin and a couple of his online friends; Jisung, and Haechan, who he played bedwars with often, and Renjun, who Jeno had briefly fallen out of touch with after school started, but they were trying their best to talk consistently again. Most of his falling outs were his own fault since whenever he got too in his head he tended to push everyone away, and he tried to break the habit by messaging with people even if he didn't want to, but those times had never ended well.

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