Star Boy - Norenmin

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AN: okay, so tbh i have an unhealthy obsession with stars, constellations, and anything involving astronomy..

Yep, I'm a space nerd.


One time, I drew all the constellations on my left forearm up to my bicep and I did it with the hope that my crush may give me the nickname "Star Girl".

And yes, I'm perfectly aware of the song "star boy" and it had nothing to do with that. :p. I honestly just found the nickname cute!

Then, Dream Show happened, and Norenmin is SAILING!!!!

So, Norenmin!

Here you go!!

Dedicated to two people who are very special to me. You know who you are! I love you!!~💚

Star Boy-

Renjun looked out at the setting sun from the window of his dorm and sighed.

He hated the city.

Due to the insane light pollution in the city, he was lucky to see any stars at all. The bright, blinding lights of the city and constant noise was very annoying to the young boy.

Renjun loved the stars.

Space and galaxies always fascinated him with the way they could go on endlessly, stars swathing every inch of the galaxy, some areas never to be reached by human intelligence or polluted by the horrible tendencies of mankind. The way everything could stay so beautiful and untouched, yet still be dangerous and harmful to everyone.

After all, one simple supernova and humankind could be toast.

He had always engulfed himself in books about space, curious about what was out there, and he didn't turn down any theory.

Like aliens, which he was highly convinced existed.

But now, he had slowly begun giving up all hope that he would ever see the stars again.


"Injunie's birthday is in a week Nono! What are we gonna get him!!" Jaemin said in a panicked manner as he clung to Jeno's side. They were in their room, lying on the bed and contemplating things about their hyung, Renjun, who they had been severely crushing on together since forever. Jeno sighed and stared at the ceiling a bit more. Jaemin looked at him, noticing the olders concentration on the ceiling.

"Jeno, baby, I don't think the answers are going to appear on the ceiling.."
But they did.

Jeno quickly sat up and looked at Jaemin with wide, excited eyes.

"Nana, do you remember how much Renjunie loved West Virginia?" Jaemin nodded slowly. "We could get him plane tickets to go there and spend a weekend with him!"

"Doing what?" Jaemin asked, wondering how great Jeno's idea really was.

"I think I know of something..."


Renjun was winding down for the evening. He grabbed his sketchbook, a pencil, and a couple of pens before seating himself on his bed. The only light on was the small lamp beside his bed. The remaining light came from the bright city lights outside, that prevented the moons beautiful light from blanketing his room. He began to loosely sketch two people, not really thinking about or noticing who it was until he was almost done.

He had drawn Jeno and Jaemin, caught in an iconic moment from a well remembered V-live. Jaemin was looking at Jeno's lips while the older stared lovingly into the others eyes. Runjun smiled a bit and reached over. He turned off his lamp and shut his eyes, thoughts of the two boys running relentlessly in his mind. He was just about to fall asleep...

'Knock knock knock'

Three knocks on the door startled him awake. He sighed and carefully got out from under the covers. He didn't even check his appearance in the mirror before running a hand through his messy hair and yawning, heading to the door. He didn't even check the peephole. It was probably just a restless Chenle who's Jisung had fallen asleep, or a worried Haechan thinking about Mark.

But when he opened the door, he was greeted with two beautiful figures.
Jaemin, in his big gray hoody and black skinny jeans, looked like something straight out of a story book. His pink hair a bit messy and fluffy as ever. Jeno also looked amazing, wearing a white shirt that showed his toned muscles underneath and some black basketball shorts.
It was then that Renjun processed what he was wearing.

He had on a hoody he had borrowed from Jaemin one time, which he had worn constantly since he got it so long as Jaemin and Jeno weren't around. It was so adorably big on him that it gave him some sweater paws. He was also wearing a pair of Jeno's basketball shorts that may have gotten "mixed up" in the laundry never to be seen again.

He blushed profusely when he saw a sly smile on both boys faces at what he was wearing.

"W-what do you two need at this hour?" Renjun asked, hiding his small body behind the door with his head poking out. Jeno smiled a bit.

"We wanted to talk to you! Can we come in?" Renjun hesitated before nodding and opening the door to his dorm more, allowing them in. Once they were in he shut the door quietly behind them and rushed to his bed, eager to hide his small body and outfit underneath the bed sheets. Once on the bed, Renjun sat criss cross and pulled the blanket up, covering his legs and a bit of his lower body. He, out of instinct from Chenle and Haechan's visits, pat the bed, inviting them over. Jeno grabbed Jaemin's hand and pulled him over, the two of them settling on either side of Renjun.

"So what can I do for you two?" Renjun asked, trying to sound as awake as possible as he wiped the tiredness from his eyes.

"Well, we know that you will be going to visit your family for your real birthday, so we figured maybe we could celebrate a little early!" Jeno said, flashing one of his healing eye smiles to Renjun, who softened at the look. Jaemin happily watched as Renjun smiled softly at Jeno, his posture visibly relaxing as the younger explained why they were there.

"That's alright! Really, I don't need anything-"

"But Junie~" Jaemin pouted. "You spoiled us on our birthdays, now it's your turn!" Jaemin said. When he saw the tint of pink on Renjun's face, he realized he had used the pet name he only ever used around Jeno when referring to the older. Jeno nodded.

"Yeah! Let us take care of you for the next couple days! We promise you won't regret it!" Renjun smiled at the boys eagerness and the two younger saw a sparkle in Renjun's eyes that gave them all the hope they needed. He sighed a bit.

"I guess there's no harm in letting you two take care of me-"

"So, is that a yes?" Jaemin said excitedly, earning a light slap from Jeno on the arm. Renjun's light giggle filled the room, angelic to the boys before him.

"Yes." He said finally. Jeno and Jaemin smiled at each other before looking back at him.

"Okay then! That means you trust us to help you with almost anything..." Jaemin began.

"Including sleeping!" Jeno said as he took Renjun in his arms and got comfortable. Jaemin smiled and nodded before attaching himself to Renjun's other side happily and falling asleep quickly. Renjun laughed a bit and looked at Jeno on his other side. He studied the younger carefully, wondering how he could look so ethereal without even trying. He nestled his head closer to Jeno and smiled more as his fast heartbeat was accompanied by two others for once.

"Goodnight Nono.." Renjun said cutely as he began to fall asleep. Jeno smiled at the given name.

"Goodnight Injunie..."

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AN: tbh this has been in my works for a while, cuz idk if I should do a part 2 but idk maybe if y'all REALLY like this then I will but whatever idk Matawan

K, I love you ~💚

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