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WARNING: Uuuuh implied smut and also implied smut involving Chenji so if that makes you uncomfy dont read- everything is consensual tho dw

Also this id A/B/O so if that's somethin you dont like don't read this aksnsksk

K have fun this is soft and random-

(Also this isn't proof read cuz we die like Tubbo at the festival so I'm sorry if there's errors)

One week.

One week of forgetting to take his suppressants.

Jeno didn't even notice at first- didn't notice the way the symptoms of his heat were slowly kicking back in. It wasn't until it was too late that he noticed.

It started in ways he didn't think too much about. As he would walk around the house, Bongsik would follow him more adamantly, constantly napping with him and almost seemingly keeping guard of Jeno. He didn't think much of it since his cat had always been extra friendly, especially towards him, although he would admit the fact that his cat kept licking him and giving him kisses on the hand and arm was a bit out of the ordinary, but it was cute so he didn't mind.

He also didn't think about why he found himself scenting out the smell of one of the only alphas he knew, Renjun, who lived in his apartment with him as a roommate. He found himself snatching the older boys blankets and laying on the couch with them while he watched TV, burying his nose into the fabric and inhaling the comforting scent of cedar wood it gave. He would fall asleep that way without meaning to most the time, even missing classes because of it, finding it more comfortable and calming to just sit with the blanket, the warmth and scent enveloping him in safety.

By the third and fourth day, the betas in his life were starting to notice a bit- the change in the omega's scent being a dead give away for all of them- Chenle, Jisung, and Donghyuck all seeming more protective of him on instinct because of it. He noticed the slight change in their behavior and took careful note of it, the way Donghyuck was offering him sweets and meals at every turn, the way Chenle was constantly laying with him and holding him, even the way Jisung had made a small nest of blankets for him to sleep in when he had come over for the evening. Jeno did have to admit that he felt the safest in that little nest, more than pleased as he snuck one of Renjun's blankets into his room and curled up.

It wasn't until the sixth day that he started to think about it and realized what was wrong. He woke up feeling warmer than normal, and also with the abnormal desire to stay in bed and cuddle with someone all day. He normally wasn't so clingy, but today was different. He got up and made his way carefully down the stairs, catching a whiff of a familiar cedar scent, seemingly stronger than ever, and following it to the kitchen where Renjun stood making some lunch. The older immediately looked up when the younger came in, concern lacing his expression as he could smell the oncoming heat from where he stood.

"Jeno, are you alright?" He asked, pushing down the alpha instinct to practically jump the omega. Jeno whined.

"I forgot to take my suppressants." Jeno frowned and ran a hand through his hair, finally realizing his mistake and letting out another whine as he rushed towards the alpha. Renjun caught him and hushed him a bit, noticing how Jeno immediately went to scenting his neck and feeling the boys arms wrap around him.

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