🔞 Make A Wish 🔞

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this is a request by the almighty myrakamra2

Ty for the request btw home slice :D

So here's what they said:

"Idol AU, Smut, it's like they're in their dorm and umm they get caught by someone while they're finishing up, you can improvise, switch."


okay, I hope this like fulfills the request, birthday smut ahead cuz Jeno day is right around the corner, enjoy

Warnings/kinks(?): they switch, rimming, unprotected sex (but they're both fine with it dw), implied orgi at the end, eNJOY!!!


"Happy birthday, loser." Jaemin said with a grin between heated kisses.

"Mmm I'm your loser, moron." Jaemin let out a soft moan when the older bit his bottom lip and he let out a satisfied sigh.

Jeno picked him up and carried him to their room, setting Jaemin down on the bed with as much care as he could manage before he crawled on to join the younger.

"You know you can slow down, right darling?" Jaemin said gently with a smirk as he watched Jeno rush to unbuckle his belt. It wasn't entirely true as they only had however long it took for the others to get back with Jeno's birthday cake, but for now, Jaemin would serve him a different kind of cake.

"What if I don't want to." The older responded in a breath, kneeling on the bed in front of Jaemin. The younger surged forward once Jeno had his belt off, pushing him back down on the bed so he was lying on his back, Jaemin hovering over him.

"What if I make you?" He said lowly, dipping his head down so his lips met Jeno's in a gentle kiss. The older ran his hands up and down the youngers back, feeling the way his fingers left goosebumps in their wake as they trailed to Jaemin's neck, the hairs on his nape standing up a bit at the feeling. He seated himself on Jeno's pelvis with a knowing smile and gazed at the older becoming more pliant under his touch.

A soft moan slipped past Jeno's lips as he felt Jaemin slowly grind on his member. He hissed and reached out to hold weakly onto Jaemin's hips, his grip tightening the more the younger moved.

"Isn't this just a beautiful sight, big strong Jeno becoming so helpless under soft boy Jaemin." The younger hummed and lifted Jeno's shirt up, running his hands all along the boys stomach before pulling back and delicately tracing his abs. "What would our czennies say?" He whispered, clicking his tongue in a disapproving manor. The noise that Jeno let out at that bordelined a growl and he felt a new desire overtake him as he used all his strength to switch their positions, pushing Jaemin back onto the bed and kissing him roughly.

"I think they'd say it's the hottest thing in the world either way." Jeno rumbled as he continued to kiss Jaemin, biting his bottom lip to elicit a sweet moan from the younger. He kissed Jaemin on the cheek next, beginning to trail them down to his chin, and then his neck before stopping at the olders collarbone to leave a mark there.

They had always loved marking each other, loved how scandalous it felt to know at any moment, if a fancam caught them at a wrong angle, everyone would start suspecting things.

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