Jeno cuddle agenda

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this is basically just some random non-nomin jeno drabbles i wrote for my tumblr so like uh enjoy-
Sorry ik this is a nomin oneshots book but tbh its becoming more of a jeno oneshot book :man_standing:


"Oh, Jeno, bro it's been a minute." Mark greeted with a brief handshake after opening the door to the 127 dorm. Jeno shifted awkwardly outside the door when they were done and Mark shook his head as if to clear it before stepping aside. "Come on in, Doyoung was actually just talking about you- again." Jeno raised a brow as he walked in.

"Again?" Mark nodded.

"Ever since I started doing things with you guys again all Doyoung seems to talk about is how sad he is that he never gets to see his 'baby jeno' anymore." Jeno chuckled at the endearing news. It was sweet to have a hyung like Doyoung that adored and pampered him so much. It almost made him wish he came to visit the 127's more often.

"Jeno?" a familiar voice called and Jeno smiled when Doyoung's head poked around the corner.

"Hi hyung." He offered with a wave and the older was suddenly surging towards him.

"Oh Jeno, are you eating well? It's been so long, I've missed you, you need to come and visit more often. How are promotions? you looked so grown up in Hot Sauce!" Mark cleared his throat as he grabbed Jeno's hand and began to bring him past Doyoung towards his room.

"That's enough Doyoung, I'm sure Jeno is feeling fine, we'll be going now!" Doyoung huffed with his hands on his hips as Mark began dragging away his favorite dongsaeng.

"No fair, you get to see him all the time! Just cuz he's your boyfriend doesn't mean you get to hog his attention!" Doyoung scolded gently, but he still smiled and walked off to his room to leave them be.

Mark let out a sigh when he closed the door and he looked over at Jeno who was sitting on the edge of his bed with a smile. The older smiled and walked over before he tackled him down on the bed and rolled them over to lay beside each other. He hugged Jeno tightly and smiled.

"Birthday boy." He said cutely, his voice hushed. Jeno smiled. Mark had definitely become more open and affectionate since the last time they promoted during We Go Up, and especially ever since they started dating. He had gotten to see a much softer and more loving side of the older than what he had always known. It was cute, refreshing, sweet.

"When are you gonna stop calling me that?" Jeno asked although it wasn't a serious question. He thought it was cute, but still, Mark played along.

"Never. You can never escape the birthday boy nickname."

"Why though?"

"Because, if you're always the birthday boy, then I can always spoil you, and you can never tell me off for it." Jeno laughed and turned over to hug Mark back, their foreheads pressed together comfortably. Mark gave him a cheesy smile and the younger one gave his eye smile in response before Mark reached up a hand to pet Jeno's hair. "Your hair is getting longer. It's pretty." Jeno closed his eyes with a happy sigh as Mark massaged his scalp with his fingers, and it didn't go unnoticed by the older who laughed and pet his hair more intently until he had Jeno practically purring in his arms.

"Wanna play a game?" Mark asked after a moment. Jeno hummed, knowing that when Mark said 'game' he normally meant one of those random little word games, and Jeno didn't know if he had the brain capacity for that in his current state. He shook his head and Mark gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. "What should we do then?"

"Sleep?" Jeno offered as he ducked his head down and shimmied his body to be securely pressed against the older. Mark offered a chuckle that rumbled in his chest and rubbed a hand on Jeno's back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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