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"Jeno?" Haechan called as he strode his way into the tavern, his near-high-heeled boots clicking on the rough wood planks of the floor.

"Is that any way to address me?" Jeno spoke lowly, not looking up from his drink. Haechan swallowed and took off his hat, the feather swishing at the movement and his many accessories jingling merrily.

"Captain," Haechan addressed and Jeno finally lifted his gaze. "we think we found the boy who's been leaching treasure off of us whenever we dock at the north port." He stated as he set his hat securely on his head again. Jeno hummed in interest as he took another swig of his Guinness, setting down the cup and setting a single gold coin beside it before standing, leaning a bit on his favored leg and motioning for Haechan to lead the way.

The walk to where the rest of the crew had caught the thief wasn't too far, but Jeno could still feel the way his metallic leg clicked and buckled on the uneven cobble of the old seaside town. It wasn't the most pleasant thing- to have a metal leg with their jobs and all- as the sea-salted air showed no mercy on the prosthetic -but it was much better and more efficient than the classic peg leg he was offered by his boss after the injury.

Haechan swung the door to the old market supply room open, the rank smell of seafood and a frantic-looking Jisung greeting him right off the bat. The youngest of his crew rushed forward at the sight of him, practically tripping over the uneven floorboards, his thin tail swishing to find balance.

"Careful now," Jeno warned gently as he helped the mouse hybrid steady himself. It was no secret to the others that he had a soft spot for the boy, but they refrained from teasing their Captain about it out of fear of becoming fish food once they set out again. "Where is this thief?" Jeno asked as he looked further into the room. It was poorly lit, and the roof was leaking still from the rain early that morning, the entire place being damp and muggy, but it was nothing they couldn't handle. Jisung lifted a careful finger and pointed to a certain spot where the back of a chair could be seen, seated directly under a stray bulb that dangled precariously from the ceiling.

Jeno could see Renjun standing in front of the boy in the chair with his hands on his hips, watching Jeno with pointed expectancy, and he could make out Mark sitting on one of the crates in the corner, presumably sharpening one of their daggers from the look of it, with Chenle seated on the floor beside the eldest, flipping a coin he must've snagged from one of their chests of riches.

Jeno took measured, confident steps towards the chair, grabbing onto the back of it and listening to the way the boy in the chair's breath hitched.

"So then, you're the cheating filthy rat who's been stealing from me and my crew, hmm?" Jeno hummed as he finally stood in front of the boy, who looked up at him with big eyes- or, a big eye. Only one of his eyes showed, the other covered by an eye patch that Jeno found to be fitting for some reason. He watched the boy blink up slowly at him as he observed his figure, trying to read every detail. He wasn't well dressed, nor was he flaunting copious bracelets, rings, and other jewelry. His clothing was lackluster as well, a simple long sleeve white blouse, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the first three buttons opened to reveal his unmarked chest, with black pants to match that clung to his thighs alluringly. Jeno had to admit he was stunning, but then he noticed the bandana cap that sat unevenly atop the boy's head and he frowned, reaching out and pulling the knot undone easily. The boy opened his mouth to protest, hands instinctively struggling against the rope restraints, but it was too late, and Jeno tilted his head.

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