In The Dark of the Night - Nomin

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Jaemin curled further into Jeno's side, the rustle of the sheets sounding. He could feel the slide of the material against his bare skin, his muscles aching, lower half soar from what had just happened. At this point he was used to it.

"Jaemin, let go." Jeno's deep, gentle voice sounded around the room, Jaemin hesitating before doing as told and releasing his hold around Jeno's waist. The older sighed, looking out the open window, the breeze blowing in and stinging against his hot skin. He looked down at Jaemin who wasn't looking at him, curled up in a ball as he waited for Jeno to do as he always did- get up and leave. Go to his own room for the night and forget it ever happened.

But he didn't. He just looked down at Jaemin with a strange sadness in his gaze. When the younger looked up to meet that gaze, he couldn't help the tears that formed in his eyes. Jeno reached his hand down to gently pet Jaemin's hair, hand caressing the boys face carefully, tracing soft circles on his jaw with the soft pad of his thumb like brush strokes on a blank canvas.

"You know we cant keep this up.. One way or another this will hurt us both." Jaemin nodded slowly, closing his eyes and letting the tears fall down his face. Jeno carefully cradled the boys head and leaned down, connecting their lips together carefully. The kiss was slow and gentle, much different then the kisses from moments before as their warm bodies pressed together, creating a heat that they would've never known had it not been for each other.

When they pulled away Jaemin was crying more.

"I want to be with you Jeno. I want to be with you forever. I want to kiss you in the day instead of hiding our love in the shadows of the night..." Jaemin said, tears falling faster down his face. Jeno nodded, pulling the boy to sit up and be in his lap. Hugging him close he tucked Jaemin's head under his chin and rocked them back and forth a bit. "I wish... I wish they wouldn't judge us. Just because I want to love the man who knows me better then anyone. Because he is a man.." Jeno hushed Jaemin softly. He hated seeing him like this but he knew them being together in secret would hurt more then them going back to nothing more then what they had been for six years before this- friends.

"Jaemin, I wish all of it to, but we both know this is for the better." Jaemin sniffled, Jeno's grip tightening securely around him.

"I love you Jeno.."

"I love you too baby...." Jeno answered, voice shakey as he felt tears coming to his own eyes. "Be my good little angel for me, okay?" He said softly. Jaemin nodded, his blue hair soft against his chest. "Such a good boy... My good boy." Jaemin sniffled, feeling his heart clench at the words. He didn't want to let go yet. He didn't want to let him leave yet.

"Please Jeno... We could leave. We could just run away somewhere and be happy. We could move to the states and- people would support is there! We can both write lyrics, and w-we can rap and sing!"

"But are you willing to give up everything we have here for that." Jeno asked gently as he held Jaemin's hand. The younger nodded enthusiastically.

"We have nothing here but each other and a bunch of crazy saesangs here. We can still always message with the others and, and-"

"Jaemin, calm down a minute.. Are you sure you wanna do that? If.... If youre being serious then...... I'd come with you." Jeno said, looking down at Jaemin seriously. Jaemin smiled softly and nodded.

"Of course I'm being serious. I would give up all of it to be with you.." Jeno chuckled deeply.

"That's so cheesy... But I love it."

.。.:*✧ ✈ ✧*:.。.

"So y'all are eloping?" Renjun asked, sounding unamused as he looked at their intertwined hands with slight disgust. Jaemin shrugged.

"If you wanna call it that. We're running away from here so we can be happy finally. So we can be free of the contracts, free of the prying eyes of our fans." He explained.

"There's still fans in the states mind you." Haechan added, stabbing some of his food with his fork and putting it in his mouth.

"Yeah. Some even broke into our bus." Mark added. (He was at the Dream dorm for the day to play video games with Haechan.)

"But there are less fans." Jeno reasoned.

"What if k fans follow you there?" Jisung asked, sounding a bit scared. Chenle cuddled closer to the boy and nodded.

"They dont have to know we're there.." Jaemin said hopefully. Renjun sighed.

"Guys, I support you and admire you for wanting to chase after this but there's too many wholes in your plan. One way or another you'll get recognized there and word will get out that you're in the states, and then it's only a matter of time before saesangs are at your door to bother you again." Renjun said with his arms crossed. Jaemin shook his head.

"We'll go to the states, get a nice place there with our money, write and produce our own shit, get a name for ourselves there, and even if disapproving k fans find us, screw them. We're going to be together. We already made up our minds." Jeno said sternly. Haechan shrugged.

"Im comin with you. If running away to America means I can finally love boys then I'll do it." He said simply before walking off to the kitchen with his food. Chenle smiled and looked at Jisung.

"Ji, wanna go on a trip?" Jisung nodded enthusiastically.

"This sounds like the best vacation ever!" The youngest said. Chenle looked back at Jeno and Jaemin before nodding.

"We're going with you too. We were just talking about how much we hated it here..." Chele said before getting up from the couch, dragging Jisung off to their shared room so that they could try and start packing. Mark shook his head slowly.

"You guys are crazy.." He sighed, smiling slyly and nodding a bit. "I like it. You'll need someone to translate stuff for you, I'm in." Mark said, standing up to follow after Hyuck.

"You cant leave Mark!" Renjun said making the oldest stop. "You're in every unit, you cant just up and leave! What would NCT be without you? Besides, I thought you were homophobic?" Mark laughed.

"I'm not homophobic Jun. My religion doesn't like gays but maybe it's time for my religion to make a change..." He said softly before going off into the kitchen. Renjun watched him go and sighed, turning to look at the two remaining boys.

"This is just... It's never going to work.... Someone is going to get hurt or ruined or something." Renjun ran his fingers through his hair, feeling stress creep up the back of his throat. He closed his eyes and gave a huff before opening them again to look at the two. "I'm coming with you. Someone has to make sure the six of you dont kill yourselves.. God this is crazy." He mumbled the last bit as he walked off to his own room.

Jeno and Jaemin looked at each other.

"Well that was unexpected."

- END (?) -

Heres the tea
If I made this into its own book, would y'all read it?
I kinda got am ides for a whole ass story with this
But only if y'all want it and might read it lmao.

Okay I love you

Nomin OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now