We'll find eachother.. We always do - NCT Dream

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🎄Merry Christmas!🎄

"Jaem, do you have the cookies done?"

"They're baking right now, cant you smell them injunnie?"

"Oh, sorry.. I just really dont want us to mess this up for them..."

"What do you mean?"

Jeno smiled warmly as he listened to the two boys in the kitchen preparing for that evening when they would have there friends over. He himself just calmly bent down and grabbed another ornament, glancing at the small grey and white cat playing with one of the ornaments.

"I dont know Bongsik.. But whatever Renjuns talking about I bet he will come pouting to me any minute.." Jeno commented qiuetly to the small cat, who continued to bat playfully at the red ornament.

As if on que, a cute pouting Renjun made his way into the living room, wrapping his arms around Jeno's waist as the younger reached up and precisely placed the ornament he was holding on the tree.


"Hm?" The younger hummed in response, stopping what he was doing and focusing his attention on the small Chinese boy. He could tell Renjun was stressed about something so he slowly started swaying back and forth, knowing that it normally calmed the older down a bit.

"I'm worried we're gonna mess this whole night up.. Then they'll all think badly of us." Renjun mummbled, barely loud enough for Jeno to hear. The younger removed Renjun's arms and turned around to face the boy.

"Renjun, why do you think that? They wont be upset.. They're out friends, remember?" Jeno noticed Jaemin walk into the living room and give a concerned look as Renjun hugged Jeno again and buried his face into the sweater the younger was wearing.

"Jen... We haven't seen them in ten years...."

Jeno began to gently pet the olders hair, trying to soothe the stressed boy. Jaemin walked over and rubbed gentle circles on Renjun's back.

"Junnie.. What was the last thing Haechan said to us before we all split?" Jaemin asked calmly.

Renjun sniffed.

"He said that no matter how much time passed, and no matter how much he changed, he would always love us. Ten years has changed all of us, no doubt, but one thing that will never change or weaken no matter the distance is our bond with them." Jeno nodded his agreement to Jaemins words.

"Yeah.. I mean, we all woke up and still remained friends regardless of the time gaps between each of us... Besides, who in there right mind wouldn't want to be your friend?" Jeno added, pulling Renjun away and giving him a warm eye smile.

Renjun wiped his eyes and smiled.

"Thanks you guys.. That was..." Renjun chuckled. "Really cheesy.." His chuckle became a musical laugh that melted both Jeno and Jaemin's hearts on the spot, and they too joined in. As they calmed down, Renjun had a newfound determination in his eyes.

"Okay Jaem! Lets go bake some shit!" He said before grabbing Jaemin's hand and dragging him back to the kitchen.

Jeno smiled as they went, shaking his head slowly and turning to look down at his cat. Bongsik was surrounded by bits of a broken orniment that he had knock off the tree and licking one paw. Jeno frowned and crouched down.

"Bongsik! What was that for?" Jeno complained before he began picking up the bits of shattered decor.


Haechan let out a long slow sigh as he held his boyfriends hand tightly over the console between their seats.

"Hyuckie, sunshine, what's wrong?" Mark asked. He was worried because Haechan had been like this since they left the house.

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