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Last updated: 4/20/21

So, like I said this is like 99% Nomin so like oof all of these have to do with Jeno and someone else so oof ×2

So here's the format:

Title -- Ship// warnings, general info

Short story summary so that you know what you're getting into



Dream -- NCT Dream// Angst(?), minor fluffy, for once it's Markhyuck focused whoops-

In which Haechan, Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno have to wake up from there 10 year slumber, and leave eachother behind


A Long Flight Home -- Nomin// Angst, Some fluff

Jaemin cant wait for Jeno to come home from promotions, but when an unexpected problem occurs, it leaves Jaemin more torn then he's ever been


I Wanted To Show You... -- Authors Note// Uh-oh, you might laugh, AAH NO NOT HAPPINESS

I just wanted to show off a NCT Dream meme I drew.. Skip if you wanna bro ✌


Chanro -- Chogiverse// vvv fluffy sue me Chanro is adorable

A vv short and plotless fanfic about 2 of chogiwanese 's children, Chan and Jiro.. Please go read their stories. At least read Mr. Daddy its one of my favorite fanfic ever omg its so cute


Star Boy -- Norenmin// super fluffy, just some good boys bein soft, I love the stars too much goodbye

Jeno and Jaemin just want to make Renjun's birthday memorable, and they know how happy the stars make him (I have a part 2 of this that might happen if anyone wants it to-)


Bet -- Noren// Borderline smut(?), this is as intimate as my characters get, is it bad if writing this was fun?, the only Noren thing I have

Renjun needed a place to detox for the evening and he stumbles upon a bar with a rather handsome owner, and his new friends hook him up with the beautiful boy


We'll find each other.. we always do -- Norenmin// fluff, same universe as 'Dream' and my other story 'Sleep', Christmas special

Its been 10 years since the dreamies all woke up, and Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun are excited to see their friends again


Promise -- Nomin// fluff, slight sadness, implied future Norenmin, same universe as 'Dream', 'We'll find each other.. We always do' and my other story 'Sleep'

(Takes place before any of them wake up) Jeno and Jaemin are scared of waking up and never meeting again


Focus -- Nomin// Fluff, Anxiety, vvv soft

Jaemin has always had horrible anxiety, so one night when his friends invite him to a party, he agrees to go but needs Jeno's help to keep him stable


Love -- Nomin// Blood, Gore, gruesome, murder, angst, death

Jaemin always loved two things: killing things, and Jeno. He loved Jeno so much.. So so much


I drew a thing... Again -- Authors note// no warnings..

I just drew another thing (Jeno) and wanted to show you


Change -- Nomin// fluff, just two kiddos in love

Jaemin is feeling unloved and Jeno doesn't want that.


The Edge -- Nomin// Suicide, self hate

Jeno and Jaemin are bad for each other, but Jeno thinks death is a way to be happy.


Saint Bernard -- Nomin// Murder, lots of blood, Jaemin is crazy, angst

Jaemin thinks that Jeno looks most beautiful covered in his own blood.


My Pup -- Nomin// smut, kinda kinky, Jeno is Jaem's puppy

Jeno is a good pup for Jaemin.


Midnight -- Nomin// fluff, minor angst

In which Jaemin meets a certain boy at midnight by accident.
(Requested by YTB_23 )


In The Dark of the Night -- Nomin// minor angst, fluff

In which Jeno and Jaemin just wanna live happily but that requires leaving their career behind.


Yo -- authors note// you can skip this shit if you want

An update abt updating :D


In The Dark of the Night -- Nomin// minor angst, fluff

In which Jeno and Jaemin just wanna live happily but that requires leaving their career behind.


Here -- Nohyuckmin// ABO, bottom Jeno, implied smut, implied Chenji smut, everything is consensual tho

Jeno forgot to take his suppressants for a week and his mate(s?) help him though it


Make A Wish -- Nomin (implied that all of NCT fuck around tho)// smut, rimming, switch, implied orgi, birthday sex, happy Jeno day teehee

It's Jeno's birthday and Jaemin is serving him a different kind of cake 
(requested by @myrakamra2)


Captain -- Nomin // pirate AU, might turn into a full book, violence, action, uuuuh they're animal hybrids too

Jeno is the captain of a pirate gang and Jaemin is a thieving rabbit who is seen as lesser in the hybrid world


Jeno cuddle agenda -- Nohyuck, Markno, Noren// soft hours, cuddles, food, everyone loves Jeno

literally just a comp of three jeno drabbles from my tumblr of him cuddling with hyuck mark and jun


Okay there's that I LOVE YOU, ENJOY 💕💕

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