A Long Flight Home - Nomin(end)

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I said The End(?) For a reason my guy

We be back

Last part though

This feels kinda sad

I might write another one

Idk maan

But im kinda sad its ending


Anyway, here it is! The last one!


Jaemin smiled fondly at the children playing in the park as he walked by. Their screams of joy and excitment as they played average recess games rang clearly around the calm park. But Jaemin wasn't here to admire the children and their joyfully pure spirits. He kept walking at an average pace, not rushing.

Ever since Jeno's death Jaemin has begun to show appreciation for little things in life. He had remembered while he was out one day how Jeno used to marvel at and pay attention to every little detail of life. He also remembered all the times Jeno used to tell him to slow down. He was never one for silence or tranquility but with the absence of Jeno in his life it was hard to avoid such things. He had kept up his end of the bargen.

He only cried for one day.


He got up.

Jaemin's smile widened as he arrived to where he had been heading in the first place.

He was standing in front of a tree with a small plaque sitting in front of it. He traced his fingers lightly over the carved letters of the plaque.

  Lee Jeno


In Loving


He let out a deep sigh and knelt down to place the small bouquet of flowers he had on the ground beide the plaque. He let his eyes wander up the tree and allowed memories to flood over him.

"Jeno.. Im s-scared" Jaemin called down to the young boy bellow him. They were both about 7 years old. So young. So pure..

"Why? You know I'll catch you if you fall. I always will.." Jaemin still looked unsure of what he was doing. How else was he supposed to get out of the tree? Believe me there were other ways but Jeno wanted to catch him.

And Jaemin wanted to be caught.

He took in a deep breath and jumped, putting all faith in his best friend.

Stupid kid.

Broke his arm.

Jaemin chuckled a little and looked back at the plaque.

"Jeno-ya... Its been almost ten years... And yet I'm still here....." Jaemin didnt want to cry. He knew Jeno didnt want him to. So instead he just smiled a bit and asked the plaque a question. If you asked anyone around they'd say he was driven to madness by his roomates. But no.

"How much longer till you get to come home Jeno-ya~ you sure do have a long flight home......i... I miss y-you...." He tried. For so long he tried. But he couldn't. He had to cry.

So he did.

"C-come home safe sunshine... O-okay?"



How do you FEEL!
Sorry if this was crap.. I wrote it a while ago in my memo app and figured Heck why not
Also sorry for any typos/errors.. I was too lazy to proof read 😅
So yeah..
Did you cry?
I love you!!!

Nomin OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now