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Okay welcome.. So this was something I wrote over the summer and thought HECK WHY NOT LET'S POST IT! Basically I started having the same crisis every other NCT Dream fan is having and realized that the 00 line is about to graduate (unless they become a fixed unit I'm PRAYING) SO one night I was having sad boi hours and listening to Dear DREAM and wrote this...

Enjoy ig..

Listen to Dear DREAM while reading this for the full experience.


Mark looked up from his phone as Taeyong burst into his room, Jaehyun following close behind. Taeyong's eyes were full of excitment.

"He's waking up!"

Mark quickly stood up and began heading past the two, making his way down the hall to Haechan's room.

He walked into the room and noticed that all the lights were off except the lamp beside Haechan's bed. He made his way toward the bed and looked down at the younger who was sleeping peacefully, in the same coma he had been in only months before.

How did they know he was waking up?

The fire of hope that had begun to burn inside him started to die out until it happened.

Haechan moved.

It was a slight movement, so much so that Mark had to rethink if it was a trick of the light. But when he looked again, he realized he was right. He sat gently on the bed deside Haechan and ran his fingers softly through the youngers hair. It was a mystery how it was still just as soft as it had been on that day.

That day...

The memory of when he had to wake up suddenly came back to him, so vivid he wanted to cry.

Haechan hugging him and crying while Jeno looked lost and broken before Jaemin walked over to comfort him. Jisung watching with a look of sorrow as Chenle came over and took his hand, whispering words that seemed to cheer Jisung up a bit. All the while Renjun stood, looking as if he regret something. As if he had something to say but the words just wouldn't come out. And as everything had begun to fade out of view, as darkness swallowed him and pulled him to reality, Haechan had whispered five words that still rand clear as day in his head.

"I'll see you again.. Right?"

He suddenly felt different. As much as Mark had wanted Haechan back, he knew the pain it would bring to Haechan and the others.

Should Haechan really wake up?


Haechan yawned.

To you and me, it may seem like a normal thing that's no big deal. In fact, we may even see it as cute. But to the dreamies, it meant something bad.
It meant you were waking up.

So as he did, all the other members turned to him. There shocked expressions faded as Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun yawned in turn. Jisung glanced at Chenle before taking his hand. Chenle looked bothered. He knew what was happening, yet he couldn't stop it. Haechan suddenly felt tired, fatigue hitting him like waves crashing on the shore. He walked forward a bit before sitting down on the soft grass. Renjun followed, joining him on the ground. He leaned over onto Haechan and closed his eye's, tears rolling down his cheeks. Jeno and Jaemin came over and settled down, Jaemin sitting in Jeno's lap. Chenle and Jisung sat down last, a distant look in there eyes.

"So this is it.." Jeno said, at last breaking the silence. A gently breeze blew by and Haechan looked to the sky that was fading from pink to dark blue as night fell. A few stars could be seen and Renjun noticed the little dipper, one of his favorite constellations since he was a child. It felt so peaceful, as if everyone had already excepted what was to come. There was no tension or anxiety anymore. It had all faded. Renjun glanced up at Haechan, watching how his eyes reflected the sky.

"I bet you're excited to see Mark again." Renjun's voice was laced with envy. "I'm excited to see my parents and all but.." Renjun paused and Haechan pulled him closer. It was only then that Haechan noticed they were all crying. Jaemin cuddled into Jeno's chest, inhaling the comforting scent of the older.

"When I wake up, I'm gonna miss you.. Will I ever meet you in the real world?" Jaemin's words hung in the air. For a moment, Jeno looked doubtful, as if he had forgotten they hadn't met in the real world before. The doubt was then replaced with determination.

"We'll find eachother.... We always do." He desided before gently petting the youngers hair. Jisung was gazing at Chenle with worry and Haechan wondered if he was thinking the same thing. Surely they would all see eachother again. After everything they've been through...

They can't lose eachother.

Haechan's eyelids felt heavier then ever and he suddenly had this feeling that he was being pulled away.

"This is it.." He said, agreeing with Jeno's earlier statement. He glanced at turn at each person who had taught him so much.






He would miss them.

Renjun began to hold him closer, finding comfort in the youngers heartbeat. Haechan laughed.

"I never knew letting go was this hard.. You guys... Are like brothers to me..... I don't want this to be our last goodbye but if it is just know that I will never forget what we've done together.." Haechan trailed off, not having enough energy to continue.

Everything was so quiet..

"This isn't goodbye"


"I'll wake up."


"We'll meet again."


"I'll never forget"


"My first and last......."


Haechan felt the dark pulling at him, and he was to tired to resist, allowing it to take him. He felt strangely calm as he lay floating in the abyss...


That voice...


Is it..



He was on a bed. All was quite. Then he felt the presence of someone beside him. He knew it was Mark.

It always was.

"I missed you so much...."

"I missed you too."


E. So there's that.. Yeah. If y'all want after I finish run I could make a whole story with this concept. Anyways, I love you and please stay tuned for more contents my friends!

Started: Nov. 5 2019
Finished: Nov. 5 2019

(Any suggestions for the next short story?)

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