A Long Flight Home - Nomin

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Hey whoever you are

Its currently 6:16

I just pulled an all nighter

So my brains a little...


Well idk why but i suddenly got this idea for a sort of short story kinda thing

I still dont know what im doing

Or why this came to mind

But like


so yeah... Enjoy what ever the fuck this ends up being i geuss. 👌❤



3 am.

Honestly it doesnt even suprise me anymore. Ever since he left for his schedules ive been waking up at ungodly hours and barely getting an hour of sleep if I'm lucky.

I miss him.

Everything about him.

I know it's only been a day but knowing I have to endure 6 more days of this is painful. He said he'd be back in a week. That is, unless I get a call saying otherwise. But for now all I can do is lay awake in bed wondering what he's doing and hoping he landed safely.

I sigh as I hear my phone buzz. I thought it was a text that could wait till tommorow- or rather wait until it was at least 7 and not 3 in the fucking morning- but it continues to buzz. A phone call? Who on gods green earth... Without thinking I answer regardless. Im surprised and almost startled as my voice escapes my mouth, forgetting how deep it can be in the morning.


"Jaemin.." The voice on the other end is much deeper then mine and it sends chills down my spine but regardless excitement fills my mind as I recognize the voice.

"Jeno! How are you! Did you land safely?" I began bombarding him with questions, totally forgetting that most normal people would still be tired.

"I'm fine and yes everythings fine here. I'm honestly surprised you picked up."

"Why of course I picked up! What makes you think I wouldnt?"

"Umm... Jaemin..."


"It's 3 in the morning there..."

"Oh.." I chuckled nervously and kinda frowned. Although Jeno can't see me he seems to have this other sense that informs him when I'm upset.

"Whats wrong Jaemin-ah?" He asks with concern in his voice. My frown is replaced by a soft smile. Leave it to Jeno to make it all okay.

"I... I miss you... Alot... And i cant sleep without you here.. Thats why I'm awake."

"Same here." Jeno says as i hear a long sigh from the other end."they got 2 rooms so me and Haechan each have our own and I'm super hungry, alone, bored, and to top it all off I miss you so much... I don't know why they couldn't get you a ticket... I should have done something more to make sure you were here.." He sounds sad as his sentence trails into a long thought process.

"Well... Now I'm here Jeno... We're together..."

"That we are..." There was a long pause of comforting silence, as we honestly just enjoyed knowing that the other was there. After a good minute or two of listening to Jeno's soft breathing, he spoke.

"Wanna video call?" He asked. I smiled.

"Yes, I'd like that.." I hear Jeno laugh softly.

"Hang on I'll call you back." Jeno says. I simply reply with a hum already knowing whats to come. I throw on a gray shirt thats just a bit too big on me and dont bother throwing on pants.

Laying on my bed and smiling I wait. Then I get it. A call. This time it's a video call. I excitedly answer not thinking twice about it and smile brightly. What greets me is a rather pleasant sight- to me anyways. Jeno's hair is messy and fluffy and hes wearing round, thin, silver rimmed glasses with a shirt that has a wide neck that exposes the boys rather tempting collar bones. My smile brightens as he flashes me a war-winning disease-curing eye smile.

"Hey beautiful." he says causing for a light blush to creep on my face. Might as well get him back.

"Hey sexy." I smile victoriously as an even deeper blush then mine creeps on his face and I can't help but laugh at his flustered expression. We sit there for a moment, both just lost in admiring the others beauty. Finally, Jeno cleared his throat.

"Now what time is it?" I look at the clock.


"Mm.." He hummed in response. " same here. I really didn't know we shared a time zone with tokyo.." Jeno said. I kinda chuckled.

"Jeno your only like 500 miles away.. Okay that sounds further then it is.. It only took you what- 2 hours to fly there? Your really not all that far."

"It feels like I am with you not here."

There Jeno goes again.

Making my heart go crazy.

"I miss you so much..." I trailed off and realized that I was crying as Jeno looked worried.

"Hey it's okay I'll be back just calm down Jaemin...

It's alright...

I'll be home soon..."

That's what we all thought...


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