Why do I care about you?

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Only Liam followed me as I vaulted over big pieces of debris and ran through clouds of fog. Eventually I lost him as i ran through the door and stopped in my tracks.

The place was empty, Yukiro and his equipment were all gone. The club no longer had the same life to it that it did the same day I found Yukiro.

Liam: Harasu, what the hell was that? Why'd you run off?
Me: I thought I left something behind.
Liam: well did you?
Me: no, apparently not.

My heart sunk as I took one more look around the room and then followed Liam back to the others. The truck was parked a few hundred feet away from the club, with every member inside wearing a look of confusion or concern.

Emmett: Liam, what the heck was that?
Liam: He thought he left something behind, just a misunderstanding.
Tori: well then, let's go home.

I kept my eyes focused in the direction of the abandoned club, searching for any sign of Yukiro. It was useless, he was gone. I knew I shouldn't have kept looking but I did. My eyes glued to that one spot, until we drove through the gates of our clan and they shut behind us with a thud.

Liam: Look who we found. Back from the dead.
Tori: oh shut it Liam. He's the heir for crying out loud! Of course we were scared he'd be dead!

The conversation faded behind me as I walked the streets and straight into the mouth of the cave that our kind had built our kingdom around. Questions ran through my head as I sat down on the ground and sighed.

Siah: Why so down, young one?
Me: I fucked up Siah, majorly this time.

The albino Tengu came and sat down beside me, his wings were vast and bleak white. His skin decorated in tribal symbols, I was able to pick out a few and what they meat.

He had the symbol of peace on his shoulder, and love oh his neck. Kindness on his collarbone and compassion on the back of his hands. Along with a few others I didn't know yet.

Siah: and how does the prince of our people  "Fuck up" hm? By making friends with the enemy?
Me: wait... how did you kn-

But when I turned around to ask, he was gone. Crazy elders....ever Clan's got one.

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