Dead of night

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Every moment they spoke I lost more of the air out of my lungs. By the time they had turned on each other I couldn't breathe, my body moved before my mind could and I ran past them and out the door.  The bitter cold air of night bit into my skin as I ran towards the iron gates that lead out of our kingdom.

I could hear my parents calling as I ran, my mothers distant cries as I slipped through the gate just before it slammed shut behind me. A faint glow came from my horns as I walked along the vast stretch of rubble. No sound, no movement, no shelter.

Eventually I reached the abandoned club, but the blue glow that came from inside told me Yukiro was there and after our last discussion, I didn't want to talk to him. So I turned away from the club and began running again, I ran aimlessly into the black ocean of night.

I shouldn't be out here, its dangerous! Those words faded away as I ran, tears spilling down my cheeks as I remembered the conversation my parents had had with me moments before.

Raul: you're to marry the daughter of the Rivor clan, they're on the other side of the mountain.
Ashear: this isn't right! He should choose who he gets to love.
Raul: we promised the chief this marriage would take place. I'm not about to start another war Ashear!

My eyes blurred as I ran endlessly until I tripped. I hit the ground with a deafening crack and let out a scream, I instantly regretted it when I looked up to see a huge beast standing right in front of me. Its pricing yellow eyes stared into mine and as I saw the blackness travelling up my leg... I knew there was no way of escaping death.

My vision began to leave me as the monster began, its claws digging into my chest. The green liquid spilling from my body as I screamed as loud as possible, hoping someone, anyone would find me.

Harasu! Harasu, please get up!

Groaning, I shifted my position and gasped, a hot bolt of pain shot through my leg as I whined. The silken voice was close, and far too familiar.

Me: Yukiro?

My eyes adjusted to the room as I realized I was back in the bed I shared with Yukiro on the night I had met him. The room dimly lit by candle light.

Yukiro: thank fuck you're okay.
Me: you're wasting your time icy boy! You should have just let me die!
Yukiro: damn, you're starting to sound like me.
Me: What?!

Spinning my body around I noticed thin slices of white in his arm, they shimmered in the dancing candle light and I knew exactly what they were.


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