Hidden truths

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As Lorelai gathered her things Yukiro walked off in the direction that Lorelai had said the clothes shops were. The sounds of footsteps grew distant around me as I sat and waited for one of them to return. Lorelai was the first back, small backpack with her and by her side stood a large German shepherd.

Me: woah, I've not seen a dog in years.
Lorelai: they're pretty rare now a days, she's one of the last of her kind.
Me: I can imagine. Hey Lorelai, you said you hadn't had visitors in months but there's no sign of anyone else making camp here.
Lorelai: no, they.. uh, they didn't stick around long.

I watched her arms slide across her stomach as her German shepherd whined. Something seemed off, why would people come here and leave without taking anything.  And the more I analyzed Lorelai's posture the more concerned I grew.

Her body seemed of a small build, but her stomach... I choked at the thought. Lorelai only looked about 13.

Me: Lorelai, how old are you?
Lorelai: I'm 14, why?
Me: you said the people who visited didn't stick around, did they-
Lorelai: look I appreciate your concern but I seriously don't want to talk about it
Me: fair enough.

Before I could say anymore Yukiro returned with suitcases full of supplies and wearing new clothes. He threw new clothes at me then Lorelai and began to check through the suitcases he had brought to us. Lorelai disappeared back into the IT room to get changed as I sheepishly turned to Yukiro. My leg was in tough bandages preventing me from being able to get dressed by myself.

Me: uh, Yukiro I can't use these clothes.
Yukiro: why the heck not?
Me: I can't dress myself with my leg like this.

By this time Yukiro was standing with his hands on his hips and I was blushing a bright shade of Ruby. Eventually Yukiro managed to help me over to a store where he begun removing my ripped clothes in favour of swapping them for new ones.

I tried to keep my face away from Yukiro's line of sight as he crouched down, helping me pull off my trousers. There was something oddly intimate about being ina  closed space with someone else while they got you undressed. I couldn't help but blush darker as my mind raced with thoughts.

Yukiro: what? Now I'm helping you you're suddenly unable to look at me?

I was standing shirtless in front of him, his fingers lingering near my hips as he'd kist zipped my trousers up. I still couldn't bare to look at him, I didn't want him to know that I secretly enjoyed being this close to him.

Yukiro: Harasu, look at me. Please

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