Growing Closer

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When i awoke, the first thing I noticed was just how empty my arms felt. As I slowly peeking back my eyelids, I saw that the other half of my bed was vacant, scared and confused I sat bolt up and tried to turn around. I instantly regretted it as I felt the hot bolts of pain strike through my leg and abdomen.

Yukiro: Woah, Harasu no. Easy, you'll rip the stitches.

Glancing across the room I saw the tall and lean figure of Yukiro, needle in hand as he worked on the clothes he was holding. Unfortunately the worst realisation occurred when I noticed the clothes he was holding were mine. I was sat naked on the bed, duvet covering only my hips downwards as I tried not to show my embarrassment.

Me: sorry, I thought something had taken you.

The smug look that crossed Yukiro's face only made my crimson cheeks darker.

Yukiro: aww, were you worried about me Tvor?
Me: Shut up Nadaný!
Yukiro: I see those wounds haven't taken the fight out of you. At least you wont die on our journeys.
Me: journeys? We're not-
Yukiro: staying? No. Being stationary only makes the hunt easier for them and the escape harder for us. We have to move, fast. Can you walk?

Testing my foot against the ground, I winced and gulped. The pain was hot and severe but we had to keep moving, Yukiro was right. No one had any mercy out in the wasteland.

Me: yeah, I'll be fine. Are my clothes fixed?
Yukiro: yeah, they'll hold up. Get dressed.

He tossed me the clothes and strode out the room, stuffing things in a duffel bag as he went. It took a few moments to pull on my clothes, but once they were on I turned to leave the room. Only to have the lights go out and a hand wrap around my mouth, glassy blue eyes met mine as I realized something was moving outside the room.

The dull sound of scrap metal scraping along concrete caught my attention as Yukiro lead me towards the back door. We both started at each other in panic as the hinges creeked while we opened it up. The scraping stopped and footsteps grew near.

Yukiro: Run!

Adrenaline scorched my veins as we sprinted from the open door, something large crashing into the room behind us.

Yukiro: Quickly! We can't let it touch us!

His words died out as my heart slammed into my chest, something grabbed hold of my collar. The world began to fade as I watched Yukiro spin around and slam his open first onto the broken ground.

Something behind me screamed, the most blood curdling scream I've ever heard as I turned around to see 10 feet tall spikes of glistening crystallized ice creating a makeshift barrier between me and whatever had been holding me.

Yukiro: Harasu! Let's go, now! Before that barrier breaks.

Panting, blood racing and heart hammering I ran alongside Yukiro, casting my eyes to the floor as I muttered a thank you. I didn't expect what came next.

Yukiro: you're  welcome.

Something inside me became warm and fuzzy as I realised we were starting to grow closer.

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