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Honey was relieved to return back to the party

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Honey was relieved to return back to the party. She didn't want to be left alone in the hallway with DJ anymore than she had to be. She felt like it was better to keep any communication or contact nonexistent. Everything was so fresh and her emotions clouded any rational or logic decisions she could make. Distance was the key for Honey no matter what the situation was. It never steered her wrong.

After her situation with Terrell last year, being immature, unnecessary or putting on facade like all was good wasn't Honey's way of dealing with someone who really hurt her.

She would rather act accordingly and keep it real. Anything extra she wasn't with it.

Once Honey returned to where the party was in full swing. She glanced around the familiar and unfamiliar faces in uncertainty. She couldn't spot her best friend anywhere.

Honey went on a mission and thoroughly checked the kitchen, the dining and living room, but yet Cyn was no where to be found. Honey darted over to the sofa where her belongings were. Quickly, she put on her coat and pulled out her phone to dial Cyn's number. She pressed the phone against her ear in anticipation. She frowned as it went straight to voicemail not twice but three times. It didn't even ring...Why would her phone be off? I should've asked Case where he last saw her. She has to be around here somewhere.

Honey decided she should ask around and see if anyone had seen her bestfriend. The party wasn't that crowded so she found Angel in no time. She was actively conversing with girl Honey has never seen before. "Hey Angel. Have you seen Cyn anywhere? Case told me she was looking for me."

Angel blinked and answered slowly. "I haven't seen Cyn since y'all was dancing in the living room like uh...an hour or 2 ago. Case just went to the bathroom for some cleaning supplies..... not too long ago. Y-you can ask him when he come back." Angel slurred with a dazed smile. She shakily took a sip of the full glass of vodka in her hand.

This is about as much help as I can get from someone this drunk. "Thanks Angel. It's ok. I'll just keep looking."

Next stop is Royce. Honey racked her brain for where she saw Royce and headed over to the kitchen. He was getting awfully cozy with the woman from earlier. They were extremely close and whispering to each other. Honey felt like she was witnessing something she shouldn't have. Honey hated to be a cockblocker but Royce and Angel were the only people Cyn closely associated herself with at this party. So it only made sense to ask him too.

Unfortunately, his response was the same as Angel's. Honey got so desperate that she even asked Malik even though she wasn't sure if they were on good or bad terms. It was worth a shot but was another dead end.

Honey sighed in frustration. It's not like her best friend to run off during party especially when Cyn knew what was going on with her. If anything her bestfriend would have followed her to make sure she's alright. It's been damn near an hour since Honey ran off to the bathroom. So what could possibly have Cyn so tied up after all this time?

Honey surveyed the living room in deep thought. The life of the party and almost everyone in attendance was contained within this space.

Suddenly, it dawned her Cyn wasn't the only one missing Nadia and Spencer was too. Honey hasn't seen them since she ran off to the bathroom.

Her heart-rate spiked as that thought crossed her mind. Could it be a coincidence? Maybe it was her paranoia making her overthink?

As soon as Case emerged from the hallway. Honey practically ambushed him. She gave him a polite smile, "I'm sorry to disturb you but can you tell me where you last saw Cyn? I can't find her."

Case pointed to the front door. "After she got asked me about you she left out,"

Honey furrowed her brows in confusion. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

Why would Cyn leave when she knew I was staying at her house? Not only that but her mother was also my ride. "She better have a damn good reason for this bullshit. She nearly gave me a heart attack." Honey grumbled under her breath. Due to the high rates of women being victims of sexual assault, intoxicated from date rape drugs and sex trafficking in Atlanta. Honey and Cyn made a promise that they would never leave each other alone or would always look out when they were at a party, club or any functions.

After this failed manhunt, Honey wasn't even in the party mood anymore. From running into DJ to Cyn leaving, then Nadia and Spencer showing up. She just wanted to go home. Even though it wasn't no where near her curfew. She was over this damn New Year's Eve.

She ordered herself an Uber and stood outside in the brisk weather. She enjoyed the sensation of the cool gust of wind on her clammy skin. It's no surprise that she worked up quite a sweat after running around in a humid apartment filled with drunken people. She tied up her hair into a tight ponytail. I can't even imagine how bad I must look...the frizzy hair, the smudged make up and the stain on Cyn's top got me looking a damn mess.

She stayed close to the front of Case's apartment since she was in an unfamiliar area of town. She saw a few people on their patios that lingered around other than that it was empty.

Unexpectedly, Honey heard a noise in the distance. It sounded like a voice. She glanced up curiously and observed her surroundings.

That's when she recognized a black SUV parked across the street. She squinted her eyes, it looked like some people was hanging around the car talking. Honey wasn't sure how she missed them when she first came outside. The longer she kept her eyes on them. The more she was able to make out the outline of their figures. There were 2 women.

Honey was startled when she realized it was her best friend. Without any hesitation, Honey made her way closer to the car. She needed to know what was going on. A knot formed in her stomach as she neared the group.

Honey abruptly halted her steps when she was faced with Nadia, Spencer and Cyn.

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