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A blush crept up her face as she peered around DJ and locked eyes with her sister Blue, who was dressed in a thin leather jacket and a full spandex body suit. A chill rippled through Honey at her scanty attire, it wasn't nearly suitable enough for the freezing temperatures. However, it wasn't enough of a distraction for Honey to forget what happened. She felt like a deer caught in the headlights. This wasn't the kind of compromising position she wanted to be in while her younger sister stood by, especially when Honey didn't even know what the hell she was even doing. Her mind was a pile of mush right now. She knew later on she was going to declare a code blue to her best friend because somebody was going to help her get her out of this mess she made. She knew Cyn would have all the answers.

She avoided eye contact with DJ as she put some space in between them. They were practically chest to chest. Honey stepped away from DJ's car as well as she neared her sister. Honey tried to stop blushing and rubbed her arm shyly.  "Uh..what are you doing over here?" Honey asked as she nervously pulled her beanie down over her frizzy curls. Honey couldn't even muster up a smartass reply, because she too busy internally freaking out. It didn't help that DJ was right here, reminding Honey of the mistake she just made. To make matters worse, all Honey wanted was to continue where they left off with no interruptions. Damn it DJ what spell did you put me under?

Blue had a knowing smile on her lips as she observed Honey's nervous and shy demeanor. "Honey are you okay? You look like you're suffering from an internal heart attack over there. To answer your question, I was on the way to my friend's house on the corner." She revealed as she pointed to a random house in the distance.

Her sister Blue wasn't lying. Honey was slightly red in the face and fidgeting like a toddler that had to use the restroom. Believe it or not, she was actually trying to keep her composure, but clearly she wasn't doing a good job of that.

Honey glowered at Blue, "Maybe I wouldn't be twitching like a crackhead feening for drugs if you had minded your business, but no. You just had to make your presence known." Honey rolled her eyes, a small smile tugged at her lips. Why couldn't Blue just causally walk by and pretend like she didn't see us? Thank you so much sister for the interruption. Honey thought to herself sarcastically.

Blue gave her a cheeky grin, her wild blue hair whipped around her as the frosty winds swept across the trio. "That's what younger siblings are for. I had duties to fulfill. By the way, you guys might want to take your make out session somewhere else. The creeps in this neighborhood love girl on girl action. Don't be surprised if you start seeing men peeking through their blinds and sitting in their favorite rocking chair on the porch." Blue informed her thoroughly as she began walking away, her neon book bag glistening the rays of sun that was peeking through the onslaught of stormy grey clouds.

Honey blinked, one question swirled through her mind. She stared at Blue's retreating figure with renewed interest, her brows knitted. "Now hold on, how would you know that?"

Blue threw Honey a saucy wink as the distance between them increased. Her lips stretched into a devilish smirk."I'm not sure you would want to know that information. I'm still your baby sister after all." She called over her shoulder, her hazel eyes identical to Honey's twinkled mischievously.

Honey stared off into the distance as her sister's figure disappeared around the corner, confusion apparent on her face. Suddenly, like a lightbulb flickered over her head, she gasped. Horror rushed through her like tidalwave. Honey pressed a hand against her chest in shock. "Oh my god..is she implying what I think she is?!"

"That she's getting sucked and fucked by girls right out in the open? Then yes."

Honey's eyes almost fell out of her head, her mouth dropped open. "DJ! Why do you have to be so vulgar? I don't need that visual embedded in my innocent brain. That's my little sister you're talking about." Honey cried as she covered her eyes and rapidly shook her head. Honey was being dramatic, but it's not everyday she realized that her baby sister is out here being grown. It felt like just yesterday when Blue was wearing diapers, sucking on pacifiers and peeing in the bed. She knew Blue acted older than her age from her activities she partakes in to how she carries herself, but damn she didn't expect that. There's somethings Honey shouldn't know. What did I expect when I was the one who asked? Definitely not that.

Honey was going to have some holy water and a handy dandy frying pan waiting for her sister Blue when she came home.

Coming back to reality, she realized she was freezing her ass off on the sidewalk with her ex, who she was damn near swallowing five short minutes ago after she swore she was done with her...Instantly all traces of humor vanished, Honey mentally facepalmed herself. Time to address the elephant in the room.

Honey pushed a stray curl behind her ear, her voice low. "Well, it was nice talking to you, but I must be on my way. I should've been home 30 minutes ago." She nibbled on her lower lip as she wrapped her arms around her shivering body, feeling weirdly vulnerable.

Even though she knew her parents couldn't careless about her being late, Honey didn't want to linger around any longer than she already has. She was afraid she would jump DJ for a second time which will only complicates things and confuse Honey even further. She needed to have a clear mind.

Honey stared unblinkingly at the weeds growing in between the cracks of the pavement as she waited for DJ's response. She was doing everything she could to prevent herself from looking DJ in the eyes. Honey could feel her walls crumbling. After being intimate with DJ, it reminded Honey of how things used to be. Now that Honey had a little taste after so long she wanted more so much more. More kisses, more laughter, more conversations...

DJ stepped into Honey's line of vision, her hands shoved into her pockets of her jacket. She regarded Honey silently, her dark brown eyes fringed by long lashes focused intently on her. Her expression held traces of determination

"I have to be at work soon, but we're not finished here."

Author's Note: After careful consideration, I've decided I'll be doing DJ's POV! It will give you guys insight on how she truly feels about Honey and why she comes off so abrasively most of the time. You guys deserve it! Love you xoxo

P. S. Would you guys want DJ's POV from a previous chapter or in the upcoming chapters? Let me know! ❤️

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