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"I can't believe she pulled that weak ass shit

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"I can't believe she pulled that weak ass shit. Fuck is wrong with her? Next time she do some bullshit like that. Imma have to step in and she won't like it. Now, I don't feel bad for cutting her off completely." DJ vented through the speaker of Honey's IPhone. DJ didn't take what Tasha did too lightly. Tasha had the worst timing. It hadn't even been a full week for after they had fell out and Tasha already was doing something. Not only that, but Honey was learning fast that DJ was had a slight temper. Don't get her wrong. DJ was cool or whatever until she got upset. Honey stopped scribbling on her half finished math worksheet to coax DJ. "It's okay calm down. I handled myself. I'm all good. You know she's not stupid enough to do something like that in front of you." Honey thought it was so cute how DJ was going so hard for her.

"But still. I don't like her fucking with you. You ain't did shit to that girl," DJ huffed. She did have a point. Tasha was obviously targeting the wrong person. If anything she needed to suck it up and move the fuck on. She was only pushing DJ away. Honey couldn't say she was sad to see that. From what Tasha has already done why would DJ even keep her around?

Honey skimmed over her Calculus work with a thoughtful expression. She wasn't the best at math which made her constantly second guess her work. She leaned over and erased a few answers. She was in a sitting position on her bed, catching up on homework. She had called up DJ a few hours ago to talk after she had gotten out of school.

"I know, but she's the last thing on my mind. I'm still trying to get through my situation over here." Honey sighed, as she thought about her parent's homophobic behavior. There was so much heavy tension in the house it made Honey hate coming home.

"Oh yeah..How are they?" DJ asked, her voice softened. If anybody understands what she's going through it was DJ. Honey found out the reason why DJ was living with her brother..it was because her parents threw her out and disowned her once they figured out her sexuality. Honey thought her family was religious? DJ's family took the cake. Her father was a pastor at a southwest Atlanta church and had DJ attending bible study four times a week. They even had a strict no secular music in the house. Talk about crazy.

"The same..nothing has changed. I miss the relationship I used to have with them. Why can't they see I'm still the same Honey?" She questioned, her voice heavy with sadness. Honey blinked back the tears brimming her eyes. She was more upset about her parents than she let on. She tried to pretend she had it all together, but she didn't. She was hurting deeply.

"Baby, they will come around eventually. It's still shocking to them you know? I doubt they would lose you over your sexuality." DJ reassured her. Honey listened to what DJ was saying. She's right. I can't worry about them forever. Hopefully, they will come to their senses.

"You're right. I need to relax and stop stressing." Honey agreed as she put away the homework and books scattered over her bed. She closed her laptop and placed it on her desk.

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