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Honey practically ran out the cafeteria before the tears could fall from her eyes, her head bowed as she ventured down the corridor

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Honey practically ran out the cafeteria before the tears could fall from her eyes, her head bowed as she ventured down the corridor. She couldn't have no one catch her slipping like this, even people she knew. Honey wasn't the type to cry out in public, but she knew hearing that name was going to cause memories to resurface..

If only the girls knew, the flashbacks waiting to emerge from the deepest depths of her mind.

She rushed into the girls bathroom, thankful that it was empty. She went into the stall, sitting on the toilet as tears trickled out of her eyes. She buried her face in her hands, swallowing down the lump in her throat.

"Calm down. It's okay now. He can't get you.." She coaxed soothingly to herself, but it fell to deaf ears. It seemed like no matter what words of encouragement she said to herself, the tears never stopped.

She squeezed her eyes shut, breathing deeply through her nose. Honey had the worst habit of putting her emotions on the back burner to deal with later and once something happens it triggers her and she explodes. These episodes weren't frequent by any means, but it usually happened if Honey experienced something far more than she could handle.

I have to get back to lunch before the bell rings. Just get it together. She stood up, rolling her shoulders to release tension and walked out of the stall. She padded over to the interconnected sinks, lined with mirrors.

She switched the dial on, letting the cool water run from the faucet. She dipped her head and cupped the water in the palms of her hands, rinsing her flushed cheeks so it wouldn't be obvious she cried.

She grabbed a napkin from the dispensary, patting her face dry as she observed her reflection in the mirror. She fixed her crooked lashes and ran her fingertips over her edges, nodding in approval.

All better. They won't know a thing.

She turned on her heel and made her way to the exit. Just as she reached out to the metal handle of the door, it opened suddenly and hit the knuckles of her hand.

She cursed under her breath, quickly retracted her hand as she took a few steps backwards to let whoever that was come inside the bathroom.

Honey cradled her hand to her chest as fleeting pain coursed under the surface of her skin. She peered up, her eyes connected with DJ's, who always sported a permanent scowl.

They've been going to school together since freshman year and never have Honey seen the girl smile. But then again, DJ mostly kept to herself and didn't really socialize with a lot people in her grade besides a select few.

In all honestly, Honey thought DJ was one of the more naturally attractive girls she's seen at school, standing only an inch or two taller than Honey, clothed in an oversized t-shirt and cargos. She had a neat and stylish set of locs that accentuated her defined features. Her complexion was the color of rich almonds, dusted with faint freckles over her nose.

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