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Blue eyes lit up in excitement

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Blue eyes lit up in excitement. "Period, tell me the tea! You know I been locked up in this house all weekend. I need some exciting."

Honey laughed at her sister's antics. "Before I can tell you anything I need to shower ASAP. I smell like weed and I ain't got time to hear momma or dad's mouth."

Blue nodded in understanding. Their parents did not play about illegal substances, but it didn't stop Blue was being high as the sky. "Gotcha sis! I'll stop by your room in 20 minutes!"

Honey smiled, inching towards the hallway leading to the stairs. "That's more than enough time for me." With that she walked upstairs to her room, quickening her pace to reach her bedroom door. Luckily, her parent's room were at the end of the hall so she had no worries about running into them. Her room was on the opposite end of the hall right next to Blue's room.

Her sis Layla, also known as Lala and her brother Hakeem shared a room that was near her parent's room. They were always noisy and nosy as hell. Honey had lost count of how many times she had gotten caught or annoyed with them.

Honey flickered on the lights, treading further into her bedroom. It was a bit messy since she was in such a rush to leave for the party earlier and made a mental note to clean it up later on.

Before high school, Honey made an oath to make her room various shades of pink, purple and white. As an 18 year old, it stuck with her. Creamy pink and white wallpaper, fluffy purple pillows and even a neon sign that was a mixture of her favorite colors.

Honey pulled out her phone and texted Cyn to let her know she had got home safely

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Honey pulled out her phone and texted Cyn to let her know she had got home safely. Then she texted Angel a "thank you" for getting them a ride. Honey plopped on her bed and let out a long yawn. Honey felt so tired. She was so thankful tomorrow was Sunday so she could sleep in.

She stood up just as her mother bust into her room. Honey jumped and placed a hand over her heart. "You scared me!"

Honey's mother stood at 5'4 with her curly blonde hair tied up in a ponytail with a fluffy robe and slippers to match. Honey's mother was beautiful and she didn't look a day over 30.

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