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Honey dreaded the thought of going to school

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Honey dreaded the thought of going to school. It was one of those days where she wanted to laze around and stay in bed all day. She didn't want to stay at school eight long hours like she did five days out the week. The thought of skipping crossed her mind, but she knew it would be only a matter of time until her mother found out since the school notifies the parents of a student's absence.

She reluctantly made her way out of her warm cozy bed, throwing the blankets off her body and headed to the direction of her bathroom. She flickered on the light, illuminating the cramped room and did her usual morning routine. After she finished, she padded over to her walk in closet to find an outfit that reflected how she felt.

She skimmed through the racks of various clothings, trailing over the fabric in question. "Aha." She settled on an oversized neon shirt and a simple pair of jeans to match. She threw on her outfit and went to get started on her hair.

Honey stopped in front of her bathroom mirror, unraveling her thick coarse hair from her bun and tried to comb her fingers through, wincing. It were times like these where Honey wished she had a protective style in. It could be such a chore doing her natural hair every single day and considered buying some braiding hair hold her over for now.

Due to growing up with younger siblings, Honey was able to pick up a thing or two about doing hair. She wasn't a professional by any means, but could make a nice style stand out. It was easier for her to do someone else's hair rather than her own though. Not because of the texture, but because she couldn't see everything.

She lathered a generous amount of products onto her hair and brushed her curly hair upward into two buns. She swooped her edges and began her make up process. If she was going to dress down, the least she could do is apply make up to enhance her features.

She never liked to go so crazy with her make up whenever she was going to school. She was too lazy to do a full face everyday so early in the morning and it left too much room for her to mess something up.

She gave herself a once over after she was successfully done with getting ready and clasped her necklace around her neck as the finishing touch. "That'll do it."


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