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Over the week, Honey had continued to stay in bed rest to allow her lower leg full recovery after being grazed by Terell's bullet

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Over the week, Honey had continued to stay in bed rest to allow her lower leg full recovery after being grazed by Terell's bullet. By the time Friday rolled around, most of her discomfort had disappeared and a majority of the wound had scabbed over. However, it was still an ugly sight as it healed so she was going to keep it covered until further notice.

Tonight was the night she was going to chill with DJ.

They agreed on hanging out at an establishment called Ecstasy Lounge in downtown Atlanta. It was a popular spot for teens and young adults alike so Honey felt no way about going to a public place where she might see other people she knew. Unless she was really close with someone or was going in a group. She never hung out with anyone at their house or vice versa.

In her opinion, it felt too personal and gave off the wrong message. She didn't even know DJ like that to be going to her house or inviting her over anyways. To be honest, she still didn't know what to make of DJ in general and whatever this is she was doing. She wondered why DJ invited her and only her out?

Regardless, Honey was determined to keep her cool and get to the bottom of this.

Her phone rang loudly interrupting her thoughts. She jumped on her bed, reaching for her cellphone and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey girl! What ya up to?" Cyn asked through the receiver, her bubbly voice helped calm Honey's nerves and soon Honey felt at ease. She was happy that her friend wasn't mad at her anymore about how she foolishly met with Terrell last weekend.

Honey had never seen her bestfriend so angry at her before..it actually brought tears to her eyes as she thought about it. But in hindsight, Honey deserved Cyn exploding on her like that. She had intentionally put herself in danger with the false comfort of a non-fool proof plan. Then, had the audacity not come to her about.

If the roles were reversed, Honey wouldn't have let that slide either. If anything, she would've been just as angry if not more than Cyn was. Just like Honey, her bestfriend loved her like the sister she always wanted so she had to be smarter with the decisions she decides to make regarding Terrell.

"Nothing really, I was updating my profile on social media and laying down.. how about you?" Honey responded, absentmindedly as she picked at her long pink acrylic nails, lightly going over the glittering rhinestones. She had got them done yesterday, her mother's little treat for being in the house this entire week with limitations on what she could do.

"I'm just sitting here thinking about how much I miss you at school. I'm losing my mind only talking to Robin and Amethyst at lunch. They cool or whatever, but nobody compares to my ride or die." Cyn sniffled dramatically, and Honey could only imagine her throwing a hand on her forehead, pretending to pass out.

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