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Honey went rigid at the sound of her name rolling off DJ's tongue. It was wishful thinking that I was hoping I could easily escape huh?

Her heartbeat picked up slightly as she hesitantly faced DJ. She let out a mental sigh of relief when she realized DJ wasn't in her personal space like she was earlier. The last thing Honey wanted was to get distracted by how fine she was. She had to stand her ground and remain unaffected. She wasn't going to have a repeated of what happened prior to DJ speaking to her.

Honey crossed her arms over her chest and raised a brow. "What do you want?" Her tone sounded colder than she intended.

DJ stared down at the jacket she held before meeting Honey's eyes. Her troubled expression tugged at Honey's heart because DJ was very guarded most times and didn't show a lot of emotion unless she wanted to or couldn't control it. "Can you meet me after school?"

"Why would I do that?" Honey questioned incredulously as she tilted her head slightly. Why would DJ think I would go anywhere with her is beyond me..Somebody clearly hasn't been keeping up with the timeline of everything. It's been literal weeks.

"Because I'm asking you to." DJ told her simply with a shrug, her dark eyes were fixed on Honey.

Honey blinked in surprise. "Because you're asking me to?" She repeated slowly. "The answer is no. You missed your window of opportunity to talk to me weeks ago."

DJ scowled. "Can you stop being so fucking difficult? I gave you weeks to calm down so relax with the attitude." Her tone hardened.

Shock rendered her speech briefly before she scoffed. Honey was trying to hold onto the shred of the good mood she had from earlier, but DJ really had the audacity to come at Honey sideways. Last time Honey checked, what reason did DJ have to come around here demanding Honey to do anything?

"What? Are you being deadass right now? You should be grateful I'm even standing here listening to shit you gotta say. I should've walked away the minute you opened your mouth." Honey snapped as she clenched her jaw in anger.

DJ rolled her eyes as she pointed out the obvious. "Clearly, we have some unresolved issues here. I just told you why I left you alone these last few weeks. Now that's over with just meet me. It's that fucking simple."

As she digested DJ's words, her nonchalant and entitled attitude, Honey's blood began to boil. Did DJ really think she was gone talk to Honey any kind of way? And for no reason at all?

Honey's eyes darkened with irritation as she pointed a finger in DJ's direction. "I don't know what you think this is. But my answer is NO. What don't you understand about that?" She spat, her voice laced with fury as she stomped towards the exit.

Honey couldn't stand to look at DJ any longer. Quite frankly, she didn't give a fuck about what she had to say anymore.

"By the way, the next time you leave a girl high and dry for that toxic, sneaky and manipulative bitch you call a best friend. The least you can do is have some empathy when you approach her." She added before she slammed the door behind her.

Honey was fuming the entire time she walked her locker. Not only was she late for class on the first day back, but she was also bombarded with texts from Cyn and Royce on her whereabouts. She was supposed to meet with Cyn and Royce at her locker nearly 15 minutes ago. But instead of doing that Honey decided to waste her time talking to DJ. Why didn't Honey follow her instincts? Why didn't she turn in the opposite direction when DJ when spoke to her? It would've saved her time and the good mood she had.

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