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The first thing Honey noticed from a distance was that her best friend had been crying. Her facial expression held mixture of rage and disbelief as she argued with Spencer. Honey wondered what they discussed to bring her best friend to tears. Cyn hated crying especially in front of people she didn't know or trust. Cyn was only comfortable showing anger, annoyance and attitude around others. Any other sentimental emotions was off limits unless she was around Honey.

Honey looked briefly at her cousin Nadia in confusion. She wasn't apart of the conversation. Instead she lingered off to the side of the car, behind Spencer. She seemed uninterested as she tapped on her phone with her AirPods tucked in her ears. She must've been listening to music or something because she looked to be mouthing the words to a song.

Honey was worried about the outcome of this confrontation. She wanted to stay far from Spencer and Nadia. Honey wasn't looking for anymore drama or danger as a result of fighting with them. She prayed that Nadia would return to her aunt Theresa's residence soon. She loathed the idea of Nadia being under their roof any longer at this point. Honey was still anxious about her spilling any information to her parents.

Honestly, the only reason why she even approached them was because of her bestfriend. Despite, how suspicious it looked for Cyn to be conversing with the enemies. Honey completely trusted her bestfriend. She knew that there had to be a plausible explanation for this.

By the time Honey abruptly stopped in front of the sidewalk where they were. She was completely basked in darkness and the beams of the streetlight were no longer over her. Goosebumps erupted over her arms, her throat was clogged with fear. She prayed that this confrontation didn't go left.

She shivered slightly from the icy breeze that wafted over her. She tightened her fur coat around her torso and squared her shoulders. Honey buried her feelings of anxiety and fear before she spoke. "Can somebody explain to me what the fuck is going on? Why the hell is my best friend crying?"

Immediately, there was a deafening silence.

Honey had to give herself a pat on the back because her voice sounded the complete opposite of what she felt. She didn't want anyone detecting not even an ounce of fear on her.

Two sets of eyes fell on her.

Spencer's dark eyes scanned over her with hint of distaste. From his facial expression and body language she could tell he was pissed. His lips curved into snarl, "Well well...look who it is." He inched closer to Honey, his muscular frame completely blocked Nadia from her view. "You need to train your bitch on how to behave in public."

Instantly, Honey's blood was boiling. This nigga is already trying it. Who the fuck do he think he is? "Excuse me?" Her neutral expression morphed into anger. "Don't you dare speak on my best friend like that, you bitchass nigga." She spat through gritted teeth.

Honey knew she should've been playing it safe, but Spencer always left such a bitter taste in her mouth. He was slimy, dangerous, and disrespectful. Honey wanted nothing more than to run in the opposite direction.

Spencer let out a humorless laugh, it sent a chill down her spine. He inched closer to her until he was mere centimeters away. His empty soulless eyes bored into hers. "You bitches love testing my patience. Disrespect me one more motherfucking time and I'll blow your head off your shoulders." His voice was low and guttural.

A lump formed in her throat, a trail of sweat ran down the side of her face. His threat was anything but empty. Something caught her eye and her gaze slowly traveled down to the outline of a gun in the front of his jeans. As much as Honey wanted to pop off at the mouth in defense of her bestfriend. She didn't want to die. There was a reason why both Spencer and Terrell ran in the same circles. The sad reality is these street niggas would kill anyone without batting an eye. This is why Honey had no desire to be involved with anyone from the streets.

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