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Honey was so annoyed that she let him shake her up like he did

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Honey was so annoyed that she let him shake her up like he did. His words lingered in the back of her mind because his association to Terrell. Honey knew firsthand what unsuspecting people are made of especially considering his ties.

She had finally laid her mind to rest after everything that happened with Terrell and prayed she was off scot free. She didn't need these feelings, thoughts and turmoil to reemerge. If she did, she would go insane.

Honey shook her head at her tumultuous thoughts, heaving a drawn out sigh. "You're at this party to enjoy yourself. Let it go. It means nothing." She told herself aloud in the bathroom as she shook her damp hands in the sink and dried them off on the towel hanging nearby. She ran a hand through her hair and reapplied her lip gloss.

She swiftly exited the bathroom, jogging down the stairs with a sense of urgency. Her eyes swept over the length of the hallway, double checking that Spencer wasn't lingering in the shadows. If she didn't have to relieve her bladder. She would've escaped downstairs a long time ago.

Honey let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in once she arrived back to where Royce was seated with Cyn. Angel was nowhere in sight. Cyn was talking on her phone, rather loudly as Royce knocked back the alcohol in his cup.

She was grateful her bestfriend was distracted because she knew that if she took one look at Honey's face. It'll be over with. Cyn was very observant and could sense if anything was wrong with her.

Royce frowned when he caught sight of Honey, resting his empty cup on the floor next to his feet. "Man, where the hell you been? I thought yo ass left!" He slurred, throwing his arm around her shoulders and pressing her into his chest.

Honey grimaced when she caught a whiff of the alcohol on his breath. "I didn't. I see you've started to help yourself to alcohol here—Ugh! You're killing me." Honey wheezed out, squirming within his hold.

Royce stumbled back in surprise, sheepishly smiling. "Sorry, H. I forget my own strength sometimes." He relaxed his arm around her, absentmindedly tracing her lower back.

"It's okay! I know how you get sometimes. I'm sorry if I sounded like I was fussing," She responded apologetically, rubbing his forearm.

Honey needed to relax because the last thing Honey needed was to alarm anyone especially her best friend. Cyn could see right through her facade of lies and excuses. Honey was grateful she was still on the phone so she had time to chill and be still.

Royce waved her off, releasing her from his embrace so she could sit next to her bestfriend. "It's aight, H."

Honey noticed movement in the distance behind Royce and her eyes traveled over what looked like Angel, who was returning back to them. However, that's not what made her scowl. It was the fact that Angel didn't come over there alone. Instead, there was three other people in tow including a red haired light skin girl with two nose piercings, a brown skin male with long braids and....DJ.

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