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It was all the same, Honey regretted letting her bestfriend drag her out to clubs, parties and even kickbacks

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It was all the same, Honey regretted letting her bestfriend drag her out to clubs, parties and even kickbacks. Every time she went she felt awkward, out of place and just bored out of her mind.

Tonight was no exception.

While her bestfriend was enjoying herself on the dance floor with a cute mystery man, having a blast. Honey sat next to Angel and Royce, both of whom she went to school with.

"Aye, how long we finna sit our asses in this corner? Damn, I'm hella bored." Royce questioned, absentmindedly running a hand over his waves as he nursed his 3rd cup of liquor.

Honey had known him since 10th grade. He was a relatively nice guy to everyone and was real goofy. Honey couldn't count how many times he's made her cry from his jokes. She enjoyed his company.

"You've said that at least twenty times since I sat down. Why can't you be more like Angel over here? She's been quiet and minding her business," Honey pointed to Angel, who sat next to her.

Angel was a small brown skinned girl with wide innocent eyes and wild black curls she's never been able to tame. Angel was very much chill, quiet and reserved. She resembled Honey a lot which is why they got along so well. If she had to be honest, she considered Angel to be a friend.

Royce glanced Angel and sure enough she was immersed in her phone with her eyes glued to her phone screen.

Royce sucked his teeth, "Man the only reason she even quiet like that is because she's texting her nigga. She ain't slick! She been cheesing hard as fuck at that screen. Come clean, homie."

Honey raised her eyebrows, craning her neck in Angel's direction. "Is this true Angel? My sweet little Angel would never," Honey blinked in disbelief, nudging her on the shoulder. As long as she known Angel she's never seen the girl date or entertain anyone. Sometimes, she wondered if she was asexual or not, because her lack of attraction to anyone.

Angel glared at Royce, her eyes flickered with annoyance, "Mins the business that pays you. And worry about why you still single. It's probably cause of that funky ass breath,"

 It's probably cause of that funky ass breath,"

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