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"What the hell was that? Honey explain yourself!" Her mom snapped, her eyes flashed with anger

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"What the hell was that? Honey explain yourself!" Her mom snapped, her eyes flashed with anger. If it was one thing her mom hated it was being made a fool of in front of anyone especially family. Her mom had a slightly strained relationship with a few of her family members due to her having a child in her teenage years. Whenever Honey and her siblings came around them her mother stressed the importance of being on their best behavior. Honey never understand why her mom cared so much about what they thought anyways.

Currently, they were upstairs in her grandmother's guest room which was far away from the dinner table. So, no one could hear what's going on in this room. Honey's mom and father were livid. The more she stared at them the more she wanted to give Nadia a long overdue ass whooping.

Honey glanced away from her mother's furious stare. Her bottom lip quivered slightly.. "Mom..I'm so sorry for acting like that. Nadia kept taunting me and-"

"Okay and? Honey you're 18 not 12 years old! I expected for you to know how to behave! Adults don't go around throwing temper tantrums!" Her mother exclaimed angrily as she threw her hands up in exasperation.

"We know that you and Nadia don't get along. But, by now you should know her little antics. You should've ignored her instead of cussing her out!" Her dad reprimanded, his voice was low with controlled frustration.

Her mother and father was right. She already knew how Nadia is. Why didn't she ignore her? Honey let her get the upper hand and now she's receiving all the backlash. She wished that she would've never let her get the best of her. But what else could she do when she called DJ out of her name? Honey nodded warily, as she shoved her hands in her pockets. How long is this lecture going to last? She really didn't feel like standing here getting lectured like a child because Nadia deserved it.

"What is all of this talk of you having a girlfriend? Is what Nadia said true?" Her mother questioned, incredulously, her eyes zeroed in Honey's expression to detect if she was lying.

Honey swallowed the lump in her throat. It was so hard to lie to her mother. She had to spill the beans. Damn. Honey didn't think it was serious enough to lie about anyways. There's a difference with keeping it from them because it wasn't their business versus straight up lying about it. "What Nadia said was true. We not together yet..we're getting to know each other." Honey confessed with a shrug. Her father's eyes almost popped out of his head. Her mom's jaw dropped. Honey mentally sighed, they're going to blow this out of proportion.

"This is absolutely absurd! What the hell is wrong with you? When did this start?" Her father asked in disbelief. His voice was much louder than it was previously. It was rare to hear her father raise his voice. He was always so calm and serious. Honey knew out of her parents her father definitely wasn't going to be happy about this.

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