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Honey couldn't have been more elelated when the last bell rang signaling the end of the school day. She was ready to have a much needed date with her warm comfortable bed. She was getting drowsy just imagining the beautiful sleep she would immerse herself in when she reached her bedroom.

Honey didn't want to abandon her tempting daydream, but she had to so she could start her dreadful walk home with her best friend. Honey dumped all her books in her locker as Cyn stood by idly on her phone scrolling through her newsfeed. She was dressed for the chilly weather outside. Her black hoodie was hidden underneath a gold fleece jacket.

Honey slid into her coat and pulled on a white beanie over her hair. She slung her backpack over her shoulder as she slammed her locker shut. "I just randomly remembered something. Do Devon try you anymore? I ain't see him since last semester when he stepped to you in the hallway."

Honey and Cyn fell into steady pace as they walked through the busy corridor of their school.

"Girl yes. That nigga ain't gone give up I swear. I hate having a class with his ass cause he never wanna leave a hoe alone! I can't believe he be trying to mack on me when all he do is leave dirt rings in the bathtub and have shit stains in his torn spider man boxers he's had since middle school. The bar set so low." Cyn kissed her teeth as she rolled her eyes.

It's the torn Spider-Man boxers for me. Honey clutched her stomach in laughter. "Bitch why are you like this? You have your foot on everybody's neck for what? You violate so causally it should be a crime."

Cyn and Honey were so different, but they meshed together so well. Honey wished she could be more like her best friend. Although, Honey is proud of herself for the times she's stood up for herself which is something she's always struggle with as a child. She couldn't quite command the attention of the room like her bestfriend. It was in the way she held herself. She was confident, outspoken and beautiful with a heart of gold.

Cyn chuckled as she bumped her shoulders against Honey's. "It's not intentional. It just slips out as I'm talking. My mouth be so reckless and I don't be meaning no harm most of the time." She mused as she pushed a few stray black strands behind her ear.

Honey opened her mouth to reply, then she noticed someone in the distance walking towards them. "Here she go. As soon as she detects that I'm in a good mood...she comes along to destroy it."

As DJ neared them, Honey became aware of DJ's outfit change. She ditched the ruined jacket and replaced it with a black bomber jacket and matching ripped jeans to that hugged her in all the right places. Honey could've smacked herself for where her thoughts tried to venture off into.

Cyn squinted into the distance before she rolled her eyes at DJ's emerging figure. "Oh would you look at that! Someone has finally come to their senses. You're a little too late though. Someone else has been trying to dip their fingers in her honey pot." Cyn told her with a sickly sweet smile on her face.

Honey almost gaped at her best friend until she realized she only said that to get under DJ's skin.

DJ stopped dead in front of them and glared at Cyn. "I came over here to talk to Honey not you. So save your unwarranted input for someone who gives a fuck because I don't." Her tone laced with annoyance.

Honey spoke before Cyn could tear that ass up. "You should tread lightly with Cyn and fix your tone." Honey suggested as she eyed Cyn who shot a murderous glare towards DJ. "Also, I don't want to talk to you. Didn't I make that clear earlier?"

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