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Honey sat in the holding cell, staring straight ahead at the gray wall in front of her

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Honey sat in the holding cell, staring straight ahead at the gray wall in front of her. There were other strangers in there with her, but she didn't pay them any mind. She was waiting for her parents to pick her up. Luckily, there were no charges filed against Honey by the owner or anyone else because it was self-defense. Actually, a few clips of the fight was caught on a surveillance camera that was positioned near the doorway of the restroom and helped her claim. The police asked Honey if she wanted to press charges on Tasha and Robin, she did so without hesitation. They were going to be charged with simple assault and battery. If they were convicted they could face up to a year in jail and a 1,000 fine. Honey was irritated that the other unknown girl got away, but the police reassured Honey that they would find her because she was seen on footage. As for Cyn, Honey had to look out for her. Cyn was too real and loyal to have a blemish on her record for this fight. Honey had DJ remove Cyn from the scene before the police arrived. When Robin and Tasha tried to snitch on Cyn. Honey claimed it was her instead and told police they were lying. Since they had no evidence to back up their claim. Cyn was never taken into custody or charged with anything.

Almost three hours had passed and Honey was still livid. She tried to calm herself down, but she couldn't. She couldn't believe they had really jumped her. Instead of fighting one on one like a real bitch. They would rather gather together as a group and sneak her from the back. That's how Honey knew they were weak as fuck. Honey hoped they were going to enjoy sitting in jail for a year, especially Tasha. According to DJ, Tasha already had a few offenses on her record as it is. This assault and battery charge is going to be taken very seriously.. Honey hoped that Robin caught heat too even though she didn't have a record. Robin surprised the hell out of Honey. It was unexpected and kinda disappointing. Instead of fighting her why didn't she come to Honey if she had a problem? It's okay though Robin was dead to her. Fuck that hoe.

As the fight played through her mind. She wanted to ask them if it was necessary? Were they really that mad she was with DJ? Why fight someone over that? It was never that serious. Honey forgot that they were both dumb bitches who share one brain cell. Now they're going to share a cell together.

Honey thanked God that she was able to hold her own in the fight towards the end. It was obvious that they were really trying to be low down and fuck up her appearance. They wanted her to be unrecognizable. Honey really hated that she had to engage in a fight, but it was worth it. Watching their blood being spilled made her happier than she would like to admit. Honey didn't think she could fight. That's why she would usually avoid them. Plus, fighting wasn't her style. She didn't want to put her hands on anyone. Tonight proved that she knew enough to survive a fight which is a good thing.

Honey ran a hand through her tangled and matted hair. Her scalp was so tender and she had a throbbing headache. Her body ached all over, now that she didn't have her adrenaline pumping anymore she felt all the pain. Her knuckles were swollen and busted open. She had a slight black eye and a shallow cut on her chin. Her face didn't look too bad. It was her body that caught most of the blows. She had various bruises and cuts all over her arms, back and torso. It hurt so bad to move. Honey knew she was going to be swallowing Tylenol and Advil like tic tacs. She was exhausted. All she wanted was her bed and a shower.

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