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Honey picked up her pace, the cold brittle wind whipped around her

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Honey picked up her pace, the cold brittle wind whipped around her. She wrapped her arms around herself to lock in her body heat, but it did very little to warm her up. She wore an oversized yellow long sleeve shirt with black leggings and her yellow fluffy Ugg slides. Her white bomber jacket topped off her outfit. She looked cute and comfortable. It was already a quarter after midnight which made it colder than it normally was in the daytime.

Honey was nearing towards the car DJ was in. She couldn't be more happier. Honey pulled on the door handle and jumped in the car. "I'm a fucking frozen icicle. Me and the cold don't mix," Honey huffed our as her teeth chattered. She leaned against the seat to catch her breath. Honey really loathed the cold weather. Thankfully, DJ had the heat blasting and Honey enjoyed how it felt across her slightly numb skin. Honey felt herself defrost within seconds.

"It is 28 degrees outside. You know us Georgia folks don't fuck with the cold," DJ said, matter of factly. Honey turned her head, a small smile on her glossy pink lips. "You right about that," DJ wore a black hoodie and gray basketball shorts to match. Her hood concealed her dreads from the view. Honey couldn't do anything, but soak up DJ's appearance. Fine ass.

DJ leaned over, a ghost of a smile was playing on her lips. Honey watched her in confusion. Once she was close enough she embraced Honey tightly. Her arms slowly locked around her waist. She couldn't fight the grin that spread across her face.

Honey returned her hug as she wrapped her arms around her neck. DJ slid her hands under Honey's shirt and gently rubbed small circles in her back. "Damn, I missed you ma." She murmured right next to Honey's ear. Honey liked the way DJ has been treating her. She was being so sweet. It feels like forever since they've seen each other.

Honey leaned back and gazed into DJ's brown eyes. "I missed you too." She admitted shyly. DJ pressed a lingering kiss on her forehead. Honey had all her 32 teeth on display. She was cheesing too hard. Honey had never liked anyone as much as she liked DJ. She was so sexy, so funny and genuine. In these 2 months, DJ has been just what Honey needed. It's been smooth sailing since that night in the lounge.

The car ride was fairly short. They both sat quietly listening to the rap music that played in the background. They reached downtown Atlanta in no time. DJ didn't live far from Honey's neighborhood. DJ parked the car in the underground parking garage that was located next to her condo. They both took the elevator to the 12th floor. After Honey met DJ's brother Kamden who was chilling in the living room when they arrived. She went to the back where DJ's room was. Honey wondered why she has never heard DJ talk about her parents or any other family members. She wanted to ask but she didn't want her to think she was being too nosy.

"Your brother was so chill. No wonder you can practically do whatever you want," Honey said to DJ as she shrugged off her bomber jacket and placed it on the dresser.

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