Chapter 8: Bravenwolf's Surprise

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GG: Okay #1 I did NOT lie about Brave NOT being Guren. The rest of the chapter isn't really going to explain everything to you guys, but next chapter will. And because I know that some people skip this part about me addressing to all of you. SO READ TO FIND OUT WHAT I MEAN!


Nobody's POV

A small figure emerged from the flames. It was a small boy who looked about the same age as Kiro. The boy also looked a lot like...Guren. (A/N: This kid isn't Guren, don't get any ideas.) He had the same hair and everything. He had almost the same clothing except he had a flame red scarf with black ends, A red band around his arm, and black sleeves rather than white. But the main difference was that the boy had been that he had red, black tipped wolf ears, and a red, black tipped wolf tail. Ceylan stared at the boy with utter shock. The boy didn't pay attention to Ceylan, and glared at Slyger. 

"Back off," the boy growled.

Slyger laughed in amusement, the young 5-year-old boy honestly didn't look like he had a chance. The boy growled even deeper in response and flames appeared in the palm of his small hand.

"Stop laughing," the boy growled.

Slyger immediately stopped. Ceylan still stared saying or doing nothing. He was really confused about the situation.

"That's better," the boy said, "I just hate people like you."

Slyger looked scared of the young child. Ceylan found himself snickering at Slyger. Then the young child turned to him and Ceylan stopped and gulped. However, the child kindly smiled at Ceylan.

"You okay?" the boy asked.

Ceylan slowly nodded.

" that you?" Ceylan questioned.

"I guess, you gave me that name didn't you?" the boy laughed.

Ceylan nodded, but was still puzzled on what was going on.

'How in the world could that be Bravenwolf...If he looks like Guren?' Ceylan thought.

"Ceylan are you and Bravenwolf okay?!" Chooki yelled.

Then another glow came from the brick and Brave became a pup again, as Chooki and Toxsa came into view.

"What in the world was that?" Ceylan muttered.

Toxsa pointed the teleportation device at Slyger and shot it, and Slyger pixellated back to Quarton.

"Good thing you two are okay," Chooki said.

"Yeah, I guess," Ceylan said, "You should've came earlier though."

"Well we're here now," Toxsa said, "Anything happened?"

Ceylan stared at Bravenwolf, the pup was staring back at him the brick right next to him. Ceylan smiled and picked up the brick. He didn't feel like explaining what just happened to them until he understood it himself.

"Nah, It just would've been more convenient," Ceylan replied.

Bravenwolf barked in delight and walked next to Ceylan.

"Anyways, where's Kiro?" Ceylan asked.

"She's with Mr. White," Chooki said.

"You left her with Mr. White?" Ceylan asked blankly.

"Yeah...that's because we were rushing," Chooki said.

"Well...okay," Ceylan said, "We should get her."

The two other boys nodded their heads in agreement. But when Ceylan tried to walk his knee began to sting and he stumbled.

"Damn," Ceylan hissed.

"Dude are you okay?" Toxsa asked.

"Yeah," Ceylan replied, "I just tripped when the oaf was chasing me."

Ceylan stood up straight and began to walk slowly.

"Look I can walk, now let's go," Ceylan said.

"Dude, are you sure? It could be serious," Chooki said.

"Like a trip could be serious," Ceylan said.

"Okay go ahead and walk, just don't whine about it hurting so much," Toxsa said.

"Fine," Ceylan said coldly.

Brave whimpered at the fight and decided to go ahead by himself.

"Look we're fighting on a stupid thing," Ceylan said, "Even Brave is tired of it."

Ceylan walked towards the pup and quickly picked it up.

"Look let's just end it at I'm walking and if I whine, I whine, it won't hurt anyone," Ceylan said.

"Fine," Toxsa sighed.

Ceylan grinned and looked down at the pup.

"Now what about you," Ceylan muttered, "What was that?"

Bravenwolf swayed his head to the side and gave a small whimper.

"You don't know either huh," Ceylan said.

The group headed towards Mr. White's shop. Ceylan's pain has subdued and he began to walk faster and faster to the shop. They all walked in through the door and Kiro ran to Chooki and gave him a hug. Toxsa and Ceylan snickered as they walk towards the back of the shop.

"Well it looks like the mission was a success," Mr. White said.

"Yep, Slyger got his butt sent back to Quarton," Ceylan laughed.

"Yeah, we came in just the nick of time," Chooki said.

"Well if there is nothing else you boys need, then be off," Mr. White said.

They began to head for the door, but Ceylan stopped dead in his tracks.

"Actually, you guys go ahead I need to ask Mr. White something," Ceylan said.

"Umm...well okay, but don't take too long," Toxsa said.

"I won't try to," Ceylan said as he went back in.

"What is it that you want to speak about Ceylan?" Mr. White asked.

"Is it possible for a knight to well...umm...go through some kind of and not on Quarton?" Ceylan asked.

"Not that I'm aware of," Mr. White said.

"Okay," Ceylan sighed sadly, "Then I've must have hit my head really hard then."

"Why do you ask?" Mr. White asked.

"I'm not sure if I was seeing right, but Guren's brick caught fire around Brave, and Brave...he turned into a younger version of...well...Guren," Ceylan stammered.

Mr. White looked at Ceylan, intrigued of the events the bluenette described.

"Ceylan, looks like we have a challenge on our hands," Mr. White said.

"What do you mean?" Ceylan asked.

"The King of Beasts is willing to try this challenge again," Mr. White muttered.

"Wait! This happened before?!" Ceylan said, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?!"

"It was too dangerous, the last knights that tried it...vanished," Mr. White said.

"Come on Mr. White tell me! You got to now!" Ceylan exclaimed.

"Fine, but you may want to take a seat," Mr. White said.

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